I found following the ball movement helps a lot when you aren't sure if you are doing it correctly. In V drag, the ball follows a V patterns, to you need to open up your body towards the ball, in L drag, the ball moves in a triangle pattern, and the last one the ball moves on a straight line.
B drag back L sole drag inside outside
good tips
Thanks bro it really helped
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Clean ya ball man…TBH Idk how you still have grip with socks on
Hello, I am new to football and want to play as good as my friends,I try to do these training drills but I get scared thinking that I will fall over
Please give me some advice on how I can fix this issue
I usually do this randomly when i have the ball in my feet lmao
Bro do you have weak foot??
I slipped and hitted my head on the wall
This is not so hard I do this in games idk why the comments are saying this is hard
Finally someone who goes straight to the point, I’m definitely doing this! I’m doing a practice for my next week PE game of football. The boys are very agressive-
Slowed down would really help
Bro the ball is grippy which makes this guy able to dribble it with SOCKS
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
The fact he is going this fast in socks he going places
I need slow motion!
Do a akka. Wyatt Hadaway
do NOT play with socks
(slippery asf)
this seems very similar to the boxing shuffles
I found following the ball movement helps a lot when you aren't sure if you are doing it correctly. In V drag, the ball follows a V patterns, to you need to open up your body towards the ball, in L drag, the ball moves in a triangle pattern, and the last one the ball moves on a straight line.
B drag back L sole drag inside outside
good tips
Thanks bro it really helped
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Helping us
Clean ya ball man…TBH Idk how you still have grip with socks on
Hello, I am new to football and want to play as good as my friends,I try to do these training drills but I get scared thinking that I will fall over
Please give me some advice on how I can fix this issue
I usually do this randomly when i have the ball in my feet lmao
Bro do you have weak foot??
I slipped and hitted my head on the wall
This is not so hard I do this in games idk why the comments are saying this is hard
Finally someone who goes straight to the point, I’m definitely doing this! I’m doing a practice for my next week PE game of football. The boys are very agressive
Slowed down would really help
Bro the ball is grippy which makes this guy able to dribble it with SOCKS

I dont acept you to do these tricks
And I stil get yelled at
Slow mo
What r the uses of drills?
Just get a soft ball and play with your relatives

U gonna slip n fall hard on that surface. Careful
what size ball is that
Wala bang slow
For beginners? Pls
3 is easiest but 1 and 3
That is not football, that is futsal
These hold no value if done so small
Please make more drill tutorial
Our biggest enemy
: slippage
Very good Very good Very good

Slow down !!!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. John 3:16
The fact he is going this fast in socks he going places
Love the vids as always

I can do the L drag
Guys it isn't that hard
That speed
Great video