Ball mastery drill you can do at home (football) #short

» Ball mastery drill you can do at home (football) #short


  1. Do a akka. Wyatt Hadaway

  2. do NOT play with socks
    (slippery asf)

  3. this seems very similar to the boxing shuffles

  4. I found following the ball movement helps a lot when you aren't sure if you are doing it correctly. In V drag, the ball follows a V patterns, to you need to open up your body towards the ball, in L drag, the ball moves in a triangle pattern, and the last one the ball moves on a straight line.

  5. B drag back L sole drag inside outside

  6. Thanks bro it really helped

  7. Showing off ✅

    Helping us ❌

  8. Clean ya ball man…TBH Idk how you still have grip with socks on

  9. Hello, I am new to football and want to play as good as my friends,I try to do these training drills but I get scared thinking that I will fall over

    Please give me some advice on how I can fix this issue

  10. I usually do this randomly when i have the ball in my feet lmao


  12. Bro do you have weak foot??

  13. I slipped and hitted my head on the wall

  14. This is not so hard I do this in games idk why the comments are saying this is hard

  15. Finally someone who goes straight to the point, I’m definitely doing this! I’m doing a practice for my next week PE game of football. The boys are very agressive😭-

  16. Slowed down would really help

  17. Bro the ball is grippy which makes this guy able to dribble it with SOCKS😅😅😅

  18. I dont acept you to do these tricks

  19. And I stil get yelled at

  20. What r the uses of drills?

  21. Just get a soft ball and play with your relatives💀👍

  22. U gonna slip n fall hard on that surface. Careful

  23. 3 is easiest but 1 and 3💀

  24. That is not football, that is futsal

  25. These hold no value if done so small

  26. Please make more drill tutorial

  27. Our biggest enemy💀: slippage

  28. Very good Very good Very good🎉🎉

  29. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
    everlasting life. John 3:16

  30. The fact he is going this fast in socks he going places

  31. ❤❤❤❤❤ Dimpho Johanna Johannesburg appreciate

  32. Guys it isn't that hard😭

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