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Im gonna starting today bcoz of the gravity out of control
Fuck! I can’t believe I get to do this. Whatever, after this I Will try not to get beer!
30 days challenge 20 minutes every day no matter what Starting from today.. let’s go..!! Are you in the challenge or you going to regret?! Day one over here
I’m a 12 year old boy and I wanna get stronger so I’m doing this because I weight like 120 and get called fat so I’m gonna get stronger and show those people
My girlfriend is a middle school and I’m in 6th grade she wants me to see my abs but I’m skinny I’m finna start working out rn
LoL i am Doing this exercise to get good body . Because i am Slim .
Started 7 days its a challenge for me
Bet ill do ama do this tomorrow
Motivation is the most importance, because I almost gaved up
What is mean by 3×30
I'll share you guys my experience, It will br really sore during the first and 2 day, I suggest you shower with cold water it really helps, try just do one set of each everyday, and after you get used to it do every of it 3 set.
You need exercise like 3 week
5×30 those who know

Its so good
I am starting from now
God help me to do this everyday
Let's go!!! Day one done!
Working or not working please reply
Im tired of being chunky im losing this fat no matter what

Is it ok to do this daily or should we substitute something like day a day b?
day 1
Wish me luck
I’ll be back in 3 months for update
Bro 30 sec or 30 times
Daily do or weekly one times
I do this excersice for last 1 month ..i.lose my 5.6kg weight in a month …
Drink 1 glass worm water
Eat 5 to 6 dry Fig
3 boil eggs without yallow part with 4 brown slice..
Then drink green tea with lemon juice
Lunch time ..
Boil hen chest 100g boil rice 150g with blackpaper..
1 cacumber ..50g onion 50 tamato 2 spoon lemon juice with mint leave shake well and eat it
Dont drink any type cold drink …fast food much oily item

Using Dr Udoka herbs is the only Healthy way currently to lose Obesity,Belly Fat 10kg and Type 1 and 2 Diabetes permanently with no health side effects.
Like so I can come back
i am a woman. still i have started to don this exercise.
Bhai thak gaya hu…a belly fat kom hona kya nam nahi le rehe hai.
How long does it take
I’m starting this today and I will report progress every few days
is it ok for every one