Best Exercises for FULL BODY Strength #shorts

» Best Exercises for FULL BODY Strength #shorts

These are the Best Exercises for FULL BODY Strength from strength coach Dane Miller.

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  1. Are you saying choose one? Or do all 3?

  2. Usually like his recommendations, but not this time. Think this might be more about improving Olympic lifts than overall strength l.

  3. but no deadlifts? clown

  4. Calling it the PA press is incredibly arrogant but I love it😂. I live in Georgia and I'm going to call with the GA press😂

  5. I love this! Thank you for sharing!

  6. That PA pre$$ is dopey as fuck 👑💯🔥💪

  7. I believe, exercises with pulling movements are more beneficial than pushing. You can disagree.

  8. is that first exercise really a thing? never saw it but looks interesting

  9. Is that shoulder press so you were just talking about? Should you stay with lightweight or can you do your strength training with it?

  10. I don’t know if I’d recommend doing full snatches. Most people don’t have the mobility for that kind of movement. It’s also a highly technical lift.

  11. Deadlift left the chat-

  12. Huge fan of the front squat myself.

  13. Never heard of that PA press, but going to give it a shot

  14. 3 exercises to fuulbody:bench press,deadlift,squat

  15. Just no. No no no.

    The first exercise is too challenging to stability, snatch is too technical and has a power focus. Front squat I don't disagree with too much but still limited by trunk strength.

    If you're talking strength you need low stability demands. Eg back squat, deadlift, barbell seated overhead press. And it shouldn't be dependent on technique or speed.

  16. Why do I keep seeing familiar people I've never seen before?

  17. Never seen pa press but it's perfect after losing the pins to put my rack higher

  18. Thank you very much I'll be including these into my son's rugby training

  19. Looks like murder on the knees

  20. Check out shoulder impingement and how your wrecking your shoulder capsule with those overhead presses. Doug Brignole is one of the guys whos covered this

  21. Don't like the pa press my knees don't like it

  22. I’ve been doing the first excerise because I have shit posture and it does work , I feel my forearms and delts and traps being worked

  23. Agree with the squat. Pa press not really. Snatch? Most reg folks won't be able to hit the frequency to learn this complex movement.
    Personally front squat and clean and press. Stretch then eat.

  24. Whats wild is I got stronger in my front squat but realized since I wasn’t back squatting a lot now that same weight I worked up to on my front squat felt heavier on my back it was the weirdest thing ever….gotta keep a amount of attention to both exercises

  25. PA knees would be shot on me quick

  26. What appalling advice. The last two exercises are notoriously hard to perform and extremely easy to f*+k up and require professional instruction and lots of practice. Neither of these movements are useful for general strength until you’re a late intermediate and have appropriate mind/muscle connection. And the first one… why on earth would you do that over the overhead press. Silly nonsense to make it look like he knows something you don’t.

  27. Could you do a video on the pa press?

  28. PA Press = Knee Pain

  29. Wow stealing that PA press

  30. I get a way better strength gain from front squat. It’s to the point where I think I’m only going to do a couple week cycle of back squat when I feel like seeing where I’m at.

    And i can do way more volume in front squats

  31. Front squat blew my quads up! Love them it's my favorite and hated exercise. Lol.

  32. this dude is giving free rides to Snap City with these moves

  33. congratulations brother you have found a fitness niche where you can create nonsense content and you make money from it 😂

  34. I can't even knee down like that! My knees won't let me…

  35. More like the wackest exercises you can do

  36. PA press makes wonders for tight shins:) try both foot flexed and extended

  37. What direct advantage does the pa press have over a regular OHP?

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