Bulging Disc: Proven 5-Step Rehab Plan (Explained by a Specialist)

» Bulging Disc: Proven 5-Step Rehab Plan (Explained by a Specialist)

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*About Will Harlow*
Will Harlow is a physiotherapist, best-selling published author and YouTube creator who specialises in helping people over the age of fifty. Will is a fully qualified physiotherapist with a Master’s degree from Brunel University in London. His credentials include a BSc and MSc. More about Will Harlow here: https://willharlow.com/

Will is HCPC registered, which you can verify here: https://www.hcpc-uk.org/check-the-register/professional-registration-detail/?query=PH108170&profession=PH

If you’re over 50 with a painful problem in the Farnham, Surrey area, you can learn more about how HT Physio can help you return to your active life here: https://ht-physio.co.uk/

**Any information in this video should not be used as a substitute for individual medical advice. Please seek advice from your local healthcare professional before taking action on the information in this video. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Will Harlow will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.**

Full policies here: https://ht-physio.co.uk/injury-disclaimer/ & https://www.lifelongmobility.co/advice-injury-disclaimer



  1. Hi
    Struggling from the last 2.5 years but it's not healing.
    Pain is in L4-L5 and S1 majorly in the center of the back.
    Suggest few excercise.

  2. Hiya is it ok to do the strength exercises while you have the sciatica!? Thanks

  3. Where are you based,can we book in to see you?

  4. Hello what do you think about spinal decompression with the DRX-9000 machine??

  5. Pain relief – ICE – I found that when the pain was so bad – I iced my back because my back had swelled within. I couldn't even put my foot down. I had this happen twice and both times I iced my back and after an hour, I could put my food down; have been doing decompression and it is WORKING! In fact, the decompression is working so well that my "bad" leg doesn't feel like a million pounds anymore and my "good" leg that has obviously taken the brunt is killing me! Pulled muscles. Thank goodness for rest – massage and acupuncture. When the pain is so bad, you need to be proactive. I am not going to stop moving. And icing the leg – come on – it starts in your BACK. But if you have a REAL diagnosis – I have to recommend decompression (chiropractic care.)

  6. Thank u in china too much people need you knowledge

  7. 18 and in the worst pain I’ve been in my life✅

  8. I'm a 25 year old and had sciatica because I have a bulging disc at the L5 S1 and with meds and PT my pain got much better but of late i have noticed there is numbness around my pinky toe area. Is there anything you can suggest?

  9. I keep feeling cold water running down my bottom cheek whenever I do the exercises..what is this should I keep going?

  10. Great info. You give a great sense of hope. I just subscribed.

  11. I cannot find any suggested leg exercise besides lunges and those hurt my back too. My legs have loss muscle mass. What do I do?

  12. I habe this probleme since 1 year and this is the best I ever read. I AM going to buy your book❤

  13. Hello, is it safe to do squats and split squats to build strength?

  14. Five stages of back rehab program:
    1. Pain relief (3:03)
    2. Mobility (6:00)
    3. Building strength (9:05)
    4. Restore nerve health (11:50)
    5. Prevent recurrences (14:30)

  15. I am only in my 30s and I am having all these lower back problems 🙁 it seemed to have been getting worse from my workout at Orange Theory Fitness. I thought I was getting faster and stronger at lifting heavy weights and then i hurt my wrist, shoulder, and started experiencing sciatica pain. 🙁

  16. You mention 80% of people have pain bending forward. What if you can bend forward but not backwards?

  17. when sitting at a desk with herniated disc, should my knees be higher or lower than my hips to get relief from pain

  18. Hello Will & thank you for all of your incredible knowledge and support here on YouTube. I’m extremely grateful to have found your channel. I have not found a video from you that addresses over trained glutes being a problem. I only see you speaking on weak glutes. I’m an athlete who was in a car accident. Bulged disc and tear l4-5 and once I healed ( 9 months later) I got back into weight training and caused myself to have piriformis syndrome and it’s been excruciatingly painful for 7 months. Would you please consider doing a video based on this challenge when you have time? That would be amazing. Thank you again, Cheers

  19. Just watched your video and I want you to be my physiotherapist. I was referred by GP to MSK clinic. It was so basic compared to this. MRI scan result showed bulging disc which explained excruciating pain suffered. 4 months later I'm more or less pain free, but terrified of it happening again. I wish I could have someone to help me understand as much as you did in this video. Big thanks

  20. Can i take online consultations from you and take an online rehab plan from you

  21. I am 83yrs old lady . I have a degenerative spine, with three lower bulging discs, what do you recommend for me please?

  22. What do you mean by a bulging disc? There are 4 types of spinal disc herniation:
    disc extrusion, protrusion, prolaps and sequestration… A bulg is a prestage of a herniation and doesn't cause any symptoms. So when you say a bulging disc, it's confusing, a protrusion and an extrusion are not the same degree of a herniation and can't be treated the same way.

  23. Great video and very interesting to learn the steps involved in your bulging disc rehab approach. As a direct consequence of these videos, I stopped doing forward-bending exercises – which in-turn provided me with tangible improvements to my condition – which is a long-term condition but there have been improvements.

  24. Is it ok to do running besides walking if you feel pain?

  25. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m tired of the exercises. I’m tired of this horrible pain. I feel like I’ve exhausted all things that are supposed to help. 😢

  26. I have sciatica 3 weeks now, and I notice. Is it normal that my right leg was shrinking a little bit.? Please answer.

  27. Thank you I have serious disc problems it’s killing mev

  28. Thank you. Great work ❤

  29. Thank you Will and everyone…got the book today…soo good to know I am not alone. Have been in awful sate for six months with alternating sciatica on both sides and had to resort to steroid/nerve blocks….at last I can sleep but need this advice about rehab and most of all hope for the future! Can anyone suggest which gentle swimming strokes are best…rhs L5/S1 L 4/5 symptoms have lingered. I used to do gym resistance training, yoga and walking….all of which I was in too much painto do and have been lesft with virtually no core strength or muscle strength. My poor dogs have hardly done any long walks for 6 months!!
    Hope fully I won't need the sciatica book when it comes out but do dread recurrance and want to do all to prevent so will look out for it.

  30. Please advise if a Muslim Prayers of forward bending & putting your head on the floor has an impact on the disc bulge.

  31. Thank you! Very helpful information.

  32. I have a mild concentric disc bulge in l4l5, are there exercises for healing this? I can't find any videos on concentric disc bulge exercises, I'd really appreciate some guidance on this

  33. This is the best video I have seen on this subject. Thanks for this.

  34. Is bridging exercise safe for bulging disk at L4 and L5 ?

  35. You’re the best

  36. Can you please do some videos with Cervical Disc Bulge? Thank you ❤

  37. Thank you so much for These Videos!! (29 and sporty girl myself here 😢)

  38. Fab thanks Will, I have only just turned 50 normally fit, healthy, active and well. We are traveling Australia this year in our caravan and sadly I think I let my core go… and through bigger climbing hikes have a bulge and annular tear in L5 & S1. I was blessed to find you on line a couple of weeks ago and have been loving your education and various programs. A massive thanks for all you do and share.

  39. Can we hire you over Zoom from the States?

  40. Find out if it’s bulging or herniated first before doing any exercise

  41. I have only one question , has anybody ever recovered from disc bulge?

  42. Need captions to understand

  43. Here in the USA, I went to an orthopedic surgeon for bulging discs and an arthritic hip. He is a SURGEON…he did not offer ANY suggestions for relief. He did not discuss the MRI, did not explain anything. When I brought up each affliction, replied, "Ypur body is getting old, it ys very common". So, I took it that he was telling me to 'deal with it'. He said that no pinched nerves coukd be scene, therefore I don't have any, even though all the symptoms fit to a 'T'. He went on to send me to a hip specialist, Ibassume to get a hip replacement. I cancelled the appt and made another appt for a 2nd opinion with one of the Heads of the Orthopaedic Dept…meaning one of his Supervisors. It turns out he specializes in SPINES. Meanwhile, it has been 3 months abd J have been doing my own research to treat myself. Oh, I was also referred to a Pain Management Specislist! He doesn'tbgobxnuthing fir his patients except look for surgery!! The PM Dr. just wanted to give me a cortisone shot in my spine, but he had to request authirization from my ins. He did NOT ask about my pain, offer ANY suggestions for relief until I get the shot, etc. Another dead end. I am gojng to a 2nd PM office to see what they offer. But , I got more help here from Dr. Will. I leave reviews on the internet…..these so called 'doctors' are just 'milking' the insurance companies and do not care about helping the patients. It is all about the money.

  44. Can i continue my gym workout with cervical spondylosis?

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