1. Get me to 50k by the end of June & Iā€™ll change to anime pfp for a whole year!!!!!šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

  2. you traded all your IQ stats for strengthā€¦ The real challenge of this is actually picking up the bar with most weight on one side and little wait on the other. Making it even makes it much easier even after adding more weight to each hand. This is still really impressive but don't compare it to something that's harder and requires brain power instead of raw strength.

  3. That man behind šŸ’€ā˜ 

  4. i like how in every video atleast one guy starts tweaking the fuck out

  5. This bloke has low self esteem, gets off on lifting more than Somebody, wow well done šŸ˜’

  6. the amount of aura coursing through your veins made that guy die

  7. Ridicule et inutile šŸ˜‚

  8. Quinn is more red than the plates šŸ„µ

  9. If he can carry 365 pounds in each hands then he can deadlift (in a straight bar)at least 760-770

  10. Bro missed 99+ calls from eddie hall

  11. no way he humbeled hissy

  12. It's 220 kilos for Hissy!

  13. Hissy is stronger compared to bodyweight šŸ‘

  14. Bros aura is quite literally radiating

  15. I think bro's brain cells are finally fading from all that gearā€¦

  16. Guy in yellow didn't use straps thoā€¦

  17. I know the trick to this one. Itā€™s quite simple really.

    Be really strong

  18. wth

  19. Now curl it

  20. bro got a stroke from bros aura

  21. From thešŸ¤µā€ā™‚ļø go to šŸ…

  22. I love how the people In the back are always doing the most random shitšŸ˜‚

  23. yt shorts comments are such bad brain rot šŸ˜­šŸ™

  24. to be fair though that other guy did not have straps

  25. someone benches 315
    Quin: humbles them by benching 225

  26. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s in the wrong but the first clip was clearly a challenge because all of the weight was on one side so it wasnā€™t even like quins

  27. Light weight

  28. Quin: šŸ…

  29. at least he didn't say anything like its light otherwise i would've blown up this comment section

  30. Bar challenge: Show me how you can lift 2 barbells with 4 plates on one side, and 1 plate on the other

    Quinn: Just put the same amount of weight on the other side.

  31. Goat vs goat ā€¦. Hissy &iamquinstott

  32. your final challenge, dont talk about the guy in the back

  33. Try eddie hall 500 kg Deadlift

  34. šŸ‘

  35. Monolith in a group of peasants.

  36. King of rageux

  37. Quin u gotta lock in carlo gambino is caching up

  38. 730 really good

  39. First video was 70 kgs at the front (bar 20 kgs) + 20 kgs on the other sideā€¦ It's more but the leverage used might be easier, but still hissy weighs less than Quinn and hissy is a beast as wellā€¦

  40. Quin we have the same last name!!!

  41. Background guy got knocked put by Quinā€™s reiatsušŸ˜‚

  42. Yo quin dont sacrifice your back for internet clout. Just sayin. Insane lift tho

  43. nice grind

  44. Your lift is impressive too but you forgot the main idea of first video : pure grip strength without straps and imbalanced weight šŸ˜Š

  45. Whats that band on quins face?

  46. Ummm I dont think bro gets it, in the first clip, more weight is on the front side so its harder to lift if the weight is not equal on both sides. Quin has equal weight on both sidesso thats easier

  47. The guy in the video lifted with just his grip strength. You pussied out and used straps.

  48. I go to the same gym as hissy, he's all fake. I've never ever seen him lift like that for real and in all his videos it's obvious that the weights are fake, specially obvious the one where he catches weight discs with his index finger šŸ˜‚

    Plus he doesn't have the energy of someone that's strong. More like a

  49. now do it with wrong grip

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