I get this man I love this man!! People say yo me oooo u shouldn't do abs everyday… no I think I will thanks
I do 30 mins a day on abs sometimes have Sundays off. !
frank zane and serge nubret started with 2000 or 1.5 hours of Situps or Leg raises. before workout
I tellI you guys fastest results only with Abs on pull bar try hangin L Sit flutter kicks or on decline board.
Super late comment but is it ok to focus mainly on a certain portion of abs if you notice growth is lacking in that specific area?
Thank you for your valuable scientific answers . question :- I am working out since 1993,today I am 58, My bicep and tricep and arms are not in bulk shape,please advice.
Very informative
Weighted abs every other day. Light abs every other day.
I never use weights for my abdominal exercises but perform a 15 min core workout everyday. Is that equivalent to weighted exercises?
A yes or a no would of been great, but good video.
Hello dude, how long should I spend working out abs daily? 10min, 20min, … how long?
I hit my abs 5-10 minutes at the end of all my workouts and I train 6 days a week.
My abs burning like hell rn i got to the gym tried 1 rep and almost shitted myself
Can anyone tell me as this vid was a while ago is this method working for anyone
Cool dude here
He kinda sounds like macho man randy savage lmao
If your not taking test shots. You need to train, rest, grow. Train rest grow. If your taking test shots you recover faster, " also lose your hair faster" . Not the best advice here. Train hard till your body tells you to rest and then rest. Thats where the growth comes from.
Gymnasts train abs daily no problem
Boxers train abs everyday and they look solid
I get this man I love this man!! People say yo me oooo u shouldn't do abs everyday… no I think I will thanks
I do 30 mins a day on abs sometimes have Sundays off. !
frank zane and serge nubret started with 2000 or 1.5 hours of Situps or Leg raises. before workout
I tellI you guys fastest results only with Abs on pull bar
try hangin L Sit flutter kicks
or on decline board.
Super late comment but is it ok to focus mainly on a certain portion of abs if you notice growth is lacking in that specific area?
Thank you for your valuable scientific answers . question :- I am working out since 1993,today I am 58, My bicep and tricep and arms are not in bulk shape,please advice.
Very informative

Weighted abs every other day. Light abs every other day.
I never use weights for my abdominal exercises but perform a 15 min core workout everyday. Is that equivalent to weighted exercises?
A yes or a no would of been great, but good video.
Hello dude, how long should I spend working out abs daily? 10min, 20min, … how long?
I hit my abs 5-10 minutes at the end of all my workouts and I train 6 days a week.
My abs burning like hell rn i got to the gym tried 1 rep and almost shitted myself
Why isn't ab cable crunch not enough?
0:58 seconds… say no more.. im going to the gym
Another myth destroyed. Thank you
Bodyweight reps 20?
Can anyone tell me as this vid was a while ago is this method working for anyone
Cool dude here
He kinda sounds like macho man randy savage lmao
If your not taking test shots. You need to train, rest, grow. Train rest grow. If your taking test shots you recover faster, " also lose your hair faster" . Not the best advice here. Train hard till your body tells you to rest and then rest. Thats where the growth comes from.
Thought this was batista