Thank you for making this informative but short and sweet!
I really like the pants!! Where can you buy them? Are they nylon joggers?
Loudddd breathingggg
I appreciate the focus on exhaling while reaching. It really helps to engage the core more effectively.
Great demonstration of the dead bug. I always struggled with my back positioning but this video made it clear.
when do you exhale? during the stretch? or in default position?
I can’t move my leg and arm in opposite way like that. My body always gets confused and does it wrong
Can you do it without the arms or is it not as effective?
Empecé y después de 3 días me duele mucho los abdominales y no puedo hacerlos
How do you breathe while doing this exercise? Do you breathe out while lowering your legs are breathe in??? it sounds like you’re breathing out as you lower and breathing in as you raise much thanks
thank you for not taking up the whole vidoe just talking bro i hope you get your dream physique soon
Man I want to say I really appreciate this time you took to post all these different exercises! I’m currently studying for my NASM CPT certification and these visuals and examples have helped immensely. I’m coming from a powerlifting and athletic background so gaining perspective of all the different training modes for different types of clients has been eye opening for me.
It's hard to tell in the black pants which leg is going up and down in coordination with the arms. That's what I was looking to ascertain and it looks like the opposite ones. But at first I thought it was the same and I was going to correct you! Black really does not reflect light very well. But thank you for the short, efficient, helpful, perfect video!
Does your heel touch the ground?
whenever I fully extend my legs there is a arch created in my back…how to control that since most of the people faces this issue while doing this exercise can you please do it shirtless
Doesn't put pressure on the neck at all, unlike some other core exercises.
Awesome. Don’t need a 5 minute commercial when a short accomplishes everything I need to know.
Thanks lol I totally forgot how to do it for a second lol
Thank you for making this informative but short and sweet!
I really like the pants!! Where can you buy them? Are they nylon joggers?
Loudddd breathingggg
I appreciate the focus on exhaling while reaching. It really helps to engage the core more effectively.
Great demonstration of the dead bug. I always struggled with my back positioning but this video made it clear.
when do you exhale? during the stretch? or in default position?
I can’t move my leg and arm in opposite way like that. My body always gets confused and does it wrong
Can you do it without the arms or is it not as effective?
Empecé y después de 3 días me duele mucho los abdominales y no puedo hacerlos
How do you breathe while doing this exercise? Do you breathe out while lowering your legs are breathe in??? it sounds like you’re breathing out as you lower and breathing in as you raise much thanks
thank you for not taking up the whole vidoe just talking bro i hope you get your dream physique soon
Man I want to say I really appreciate this time you took to post all these different exercises! I’m currently studying for my NASM CPT certification and these visuals and examples have helped immensely. I’m coming from a powerlifting and athletic background so gaining perspective of all the different training modes for different types of clients has been eye opening for me.
It's hard to tell in the black pants which leg is going up and down in coordination with the arms. That's what I was looking to ascertain and it looks like the opposite ones. But at first I thought it was the same and I was going to correct you! Black really does not reflect light very well. But thank you for the short, efficient, helpful, perfect video!
Does your heel touch the ground?
whenever I fully extend my legs there is a arch created in my back…how to control that since most of the people faces this issue while doing this exercise can you please do it shirtless
Doesn't put pressure on the neck at all, unlike some other core exercises.
Awesome. Don’t need a 5 minute commercial when a short accomplishes everything I need to know.
Thanks lol I totally forgot how to do it for a second lol
thank you for getting straight to the exercise
It burns

This is alot more effective that i thought
How do you count the reps???