If u don't have kettle bell can you use dumbell for it
Can positively say I carry. Swear to god start doing it if you don’t. Life becomes easier. Taking out the trash bringing in groceries all becomes effortless. I do them at the end of my workouts to really seal the deal on my workout.
Dryers are extremely light
While wearang
Does rucking count as Carries?
I worked at a washer/dryer rental company as the install manager, I planned the routes and scheduled installs at bigger sites. We had one installer who was about 6'4 320 LBS and this dude could carry a dryer in each arm, I also saw him pick up old speed queen washers that were full of water… washers are wayer heavier than dryers, the guy was insanely strong from a life of farming and manual labor jobs.
I'd add Pull Down, and Press Up.
Brotha! Bro carried the drier in slides like it was a kitty litter
Bro had flips on too wtf
It’s not a MAYTAG I’ll tell you that!
That gorilla grip strength is real bruh
I’m training to carry coffins
Is this also good for scoliosis?
I'm training by carrying a tv
just train with snadbags
Am training to carry my bf in games and in real life
I just started the farmers carry and suit case this week ! So much fun
Started farmers carry and i can tell its brutal and cool the same time
How many sets ? Time ?
Bro stole this from athlean x videos from 10 years ago
Dryers aren’t that heavy. Now a washing machine, that’s a whole other story! No disrespect to this guy. Most men probably couldn’t carry a dryer if their lives depended on it.
Screw the others, carry is the only thing that makes sense to me.
Pulling or pushing farm equipment secondary.
This has been my goal for working out. I just want to be able to lift things easily. Lifestyle hard when you can barely carry 30/40 pounds luggage and need to sit down after.
I would be more impressed if he was carrying a washing machine(heavier) but still pretty impressive to go up steps with a dryer
Farmers walk everyday. Hallelujah sir! God gave us not the spirit of fear, but joy, peace, love, a sound mind, strength. I have joy because I can use my body in everyday life. I have peace because I can protect myself. I love my body, and learn my body every day. I have a clear and sound mind. I love being strong. Thank you Lord. This video is amazing Squat University…
Empty dryer look at the rear bottom of it
I am getting near 60 years of age. I do the farmers carries with concrete blocks as they are harder to grip.
When I was in scrap metal I used to throw those things over a caged trailer and I was nothing close to in shape just very strong. I'm mid 40s now and paying for it and having to re train my body
I work harder not smarter at my job for the purpose of carries all the time! Workout while I'm working . I also like to skip to wherever I'm going and i make extra trips to keep me moving
Try that with the washer
The dryer isn't the hard one, it's the washer. I've helped before with that
I do carries every other day. I’m up to 50 lbs in each hand and the pull on my hands and forearms is insane.
3 sets every other day for one minute Then rest a minute
My strength has improved overall with these I can increase weight for other exercises much more often than before
Carrying groceries up the staircase is the best cardio
what gym is that that allows you to train barefoot? I would love that!
5) just join a moving company lmao
in flippy floppys, no less….
with flip flops on
If u don't have kettle bell can you use dumbell for it
Can positively say I carry. Swear to god start doing it if you don’t. Life becomes easier. Taking out the trash bringing in groceries all becomes effortless. I do them at the end of my workouts to really seal the deal on my workout.
Dryers are extremely light
While wearang

Does rucking count as Carries?
I worked at a washer/dryer rental company as the install manager, I planned the routes and scheduled installs at bigger sites. We had one installer who was about 6'4 320 LBS and this dude could carry a dryer in each arm, I also saw him pick up old speed queen washers that were full of water… washers are wayer heavier than dryers, the guy was insanely strong from a life of farming and manual labor jobs.
I'd add Pull Down, and Press Up.
Brotha! Bro carried the drier in slides like it was a kitty litter
Bro had flips on too wtf
It’s not a MAYTAG I’ll tell you that!
That gorilla grip strength is real bruh

I’m training to carry coffins
Is this also good for scoliosis?
I'm training by carrying a tv
just train with snadbags
Am training to carry my bf in games and in real life
I just started the farmers carry and suit case this week ! So much fun
Started farmers carry and i can tell its brutal and cool the same time
How many sets ? Time ?
Bro stole this from athlean x videos from 10 years ago
Dryers aren’t that heavy. Now a washing machine, that’s a whole other story! No disrespect to this guy. Most men probably couldn’t carry a dryer if their lives depended on it.
Screw the others, carry is the only thing that makes sense to me.
Pulling or pushing farm equipment secondary.
This has been my goal for working out. I just want to be able to lift things easily. Lifestyle hard when you can barely carry 30/40 pounds luggage and need to sit down after.
I would be more impressed if he was carrying a washing machine(heavier) but still pretty impressive to go up steps with a dryer
Farmers walk everyday. Hallelujah sir! God gave us not the spirit of fear, but joy, peace, love, a sound mind, strength.
I have joy because I can use my body in everyday life.
I have peace because I can protect myself. I love my body, and learn my body every day. I have a clear and sound mind. I love being strong. Thank you Lord. This video is amazing Squat University…
Empty dryer look at the rear bottom of it

I am getting near 60 years of age. I do the farmers carries with concrete blocks as they are harder to grip.
When I was in scrap metal I used to throw those things over a caged trailer and I was nothing close to in shape just very strong. I'm mid 40s now and paying for it and having to re train my body
I work harder not smarter at my job for the purpose of carries all the time! Workout while I'm working
. I also like to skip to wherever I'm going and i make extra trips to keep me moving 
Try that with the washer

The dryer isn't the hard one, it's the washer. I've helped before with that
I do carries every other day. I’m up to 50 lbs in each hand and the pull on my hands and forearms is insane.
3 sets every other day for one minute
Then rest a minute
My strength has improved overall with these I can increase weight for other exercises much more often than before
Carrying groceries up the staircase is the best cardio
what gym is that that allows you to train barefoot? I would love that!