Don't Make THIS Mistake with Piriformis Pain (& What to Do Instead)

» Don't Make THIS Mistake with Piriformis Pain (& What to Do Instead)

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In this episode, Farnham’s leading over-50’s physiotherapist, Will Harlow, reveals a common mistake made by sufferers of piriformis syndrome and piriformis pain that can make the problem WORSE!

The mistake is doing a common exercise often shown online that actually exacerbates the symptoms. Luckily, the alternative we reveal here will lead to better results!

To get a copy of Will’s new book, Thriving Beyond Fifty, you can visit here:

You can find our dedicated sciatica website with more information and a relevant article that might interest you here:

If you’re suffering from back pain that stops you from doing the things you love, you can take our back pain guide – which will give you 9 expert tips to put a stop to back pain at home – by visiting here:

If you’re over-50 with a painful problem in the Farnham, Surrey area, you can learn more about how Will Harlow and HT Physio can help you overcome a painful problem here:

**Any information in this video should not be used as a substitute for individual medical advice. Please seek advice from your local healthcare professional before taking action on the information in this video.** Full policy here:



  1. Will give this a shot.. keep on feeling it in the glute, yet I'm told it's my lower back..

  2. Glute Glutes Glutes … did I mention Glutes ! I have been working my way through many of Will's videos and they are very helpful, only just starting to repair myself but already feeling less tense and depressed (56yrs old) about months of impaired movement after a sciatica period, I can see the light. Bought his book.

  3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I have an L5S1 issue and it hurts to sit, sit to stand, stand to sit. I’ve been having sciatic like pain in my left glute as well. This is honestly the only exercise that’s gotten my pain to subside after just 1 set of 10 reps of this.

  4. Get what you are saying but how come when you do a PF stretch -like pigeon pose or a variation of it there is relief from sciatica pain and back pain. The same also by laying on a tennis ball and working those trigger points in the Periformis and the glutes? Talking from personal experience here.

  5. Can I do this when si joint is instable and probably the cause of the piriformis pain??

  6. Will doing this make my left buttock stop hurting? Please I need some answers…

  7. I totally believe your clear explanations, Will, especially as my friends do actually see you in Farnham and think you're wonderful. But I have an excellent and experienced and knowledgeable physio here in SAfrica who has 100% diagnosed piriformis but has given me 2 very well known stretching exercises which I think are for the muscles….knee to shoulder, plus "number 4" ankle on knee….plus one very careful one to ONLY do once a day for the nerve…flex foot of outstretched leg.
    So who do I believe? Pls comment. I will in fact do her exercises for 2 weeks as she IS my health professional and will see what happens. But I'm really intrigued because half of you on youtube say Stretch and half say DONT STRETCH!!!

  8. My pt sent me home with stretches at home. Well, before I felt pain when doing certain moves or sitting, but now right below my butt and upper inner thigh is numbed! 😭 it went from bad to worse. I don’t know what to do anymore. I am so scared, nothing has helped me. They said to not do strength because I can’t hurt it more. I’m so lost and worried

  9. I just turned 70 and have started doing some of your exercises. Thank you so much for the very informative videos. I love the fact that you place great emphasis on strengthening weak muscles.Fortunately I don't have many issues with my health as I follow a very good diet and I do not lead a sedentary lifestyle.So, basically,I'm doing these exercises so that I can build strength so that I don't have any issues in the future (does that make sense?) Is it possible to include the metric equivalent somewhere on the screen? In South Africa we've been metricated since 1964.
    Will be ordering your book very soon. Thanks again and God bless.

  10. I’m going to try this. My dr said I have piriformis syndrome and to do stretches but they don’t feel like they’re helping

  11. Thanks for another beneficial exercise!

  12. Pls can u explain the rationale behind strengthening

  13. Thank you, dude❤ you're one in a million

  14. I live on a mountain. Is it ok to walk uphill and downhill to rehab my piriformis syndrome? I have stopped foam rolling and using the tennis ball and began some gentle strengthening exercises. But I want to be outside walking and most people say no uneven surfaces, and that is all I have outside my home.

  15. Congratulations. I´ve been making this mistake – foram roller, tennis balls

  16. Thank you I do have this problem I just found out. Then thinking it was a sciatic in the back the whole time it was this. Finally put some ice on it and on that gluteus and it relieved the pain too now I just need to strengthen them the gluteus thank you

  17. Yup….you are absolutely right!!!! I severely sprained those muscles in a hockey injury and all I got from professionals was do the stretches and massaging that only aggravated the situation…..only when I just stopped and did nothing and let the muscles heal for a bit did I see some improvement to at least manage some strength exercises. You are the only one who suggested this out of so many videos from other professionals. Listen to your body…..if it hurts, look for the reasons why!!!!

  18. Sounds good and hope to try these and hope it untightens the periformis

  19. Thank you Will.
    This video is very useful. Address my piriformis syndrome issue.

  20. Can it occur when you've been stuck in traffic for 2 hours or more?

  21. Can it feel like it's around the back area I have pain feels like it's deep in the glute and lower back but no pain down the leg

  22. Hi, what length band should I buy for this. 1.5 or 2 metres?

  23. you have proven to me that you are one of the best guys to get clear and concise information realatred to my piriformis pain issues. thanks so much.

  24. i cant emphasize how much i needed this video! thank you!


  26. Hi doctor, I had sciatic nerve, but I’ve been one year a couple months with that. No, I mean almost one month my left side leg. It’s sick the lower back down lift and through back my leg I feel burn specially, wake up in the morning I do exerciser I’m using that Lakota cream, I take my special prescription I walk I don’t know what I’m going to do with that burn. I know it’s nerve now I saw your video. Thank you very much but please can you make with Dale? Specially, for this preforms ETA? Don’t make a bother that desk I had before, but I don’t know what’s going on with that too and I did one injection maybe one month and have read after one a whore my left side leg back the same before but day by day little bit different now I have the next one injection 14 July I don’t know I pretend to take the second one please I need to answer from you because I trust you I saw so many videos are you are the right way thank you very much and have a good day I am very pressure. God bless you.

  27. Hi doc strengthen makes it worse the same as stretching does

  28. Is this exercise okay for someone from L4 L4 SI herniation ? 🙂

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