Get Six-pack Abs At Home With The Best Single Ab Exercise!

» Get Six-pack Abs At Home With The Best Single Ab Exercise!

What is the best science based exercise you can do for 6 pack abs?

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  1. The full version feels incomfortable in my middle/upper back near the spine

  2. I’d like an easier than easier version please

  3. I like to do it in e decline bench. It gives a better stretch

  4. am i supposed to be pulling with my arms because i feel like i am lol?

  5. A very good progression from the "intermediate" to "advanced" one is to lower the decline level of the bench.

  6. Doing this everyday 😊

  7. Isn’t the first half of at least the beginner version essentially all psoas? Drawing knees up to the crunch position is hip flexor, no? The hip thrust is abs, but before that it would be a recipe for back pain for me.

  8. The ultimate exercise for 6-pack abs?


  9. That’s a Pilates move done in the Cadillac, Tower or even a High Mat

  10. Single best ab exercise is the ab wheel …

  11. Mike, do you know anything about recti diastasis? I’m a skinny 39 yr old guy and I have an upper one that I need help closing so I can do a workouts again!

  12. I did that and almost fell off the bench backwards. Need to work towards it. Need to be Very control. Do not use momentum

  13. another progression that helped me get full candlestick is one leg bent(easier) or straddled legs(harder)

  14. I love the shout out to my man Don Heatrick. Been using his functional strength workouts to compliment my Muay Thai training, and seeing RP use his clip feels affirming. Like I'm moving around the right space in my fitness routines.

  15. nice! great advice!! TY as always doc!

  16. Awesome thank you for sharing your knowledge with us 💪

  17. What if you’re feeling it in the hip flexors a lot ?

  18. Fuck Purnayush Mangal I'm getting more ripped than him (he's my best friend)

  19. Started doing that 3 months ago, it works amazing, but it is normal, that it tires my lats, too?

  20. is this one better or the hanging leg raise better?

  21. No joke, progressing through JUST laying leg raises I began to get visible abs for the first time ever through about 15% bf and now I'm moving on to the candlestick variations!!

  22. One of my friend was showing this video. But I told him not to do it. Better leg raises, then practice dragon Flag (how you do it matters. Keep your legs straight, when it comes 90° then thrust up, going more than 90° decreases the torque on abs).

  23. That's funny. When I was 12 I went to a summer camp and "came up with" this exercise. Nobody showed it to me. I just thought of doing it. The very basic version even without the pike.
    When I came back home after 2 weeks my parents told me I had abs 🙂

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