1. Of course he has rice bags laying around the house and I don't even have one😢

  2. Must push-ups be involved 🥲

  3. You killed me with the rice bag curls lol 😅 I want bigger arms. 😅Thanks

  4. 48 reps per exercise 5 exercises and call it a day

  5. Who is doing this for no reason

  6. Thanks 👍

  7. Yo it worked it gave me 2 pumps

  8. Hellooo

  9. Fuck i think I am super man I’m a fat ass why u think im looking this shit up

  10. I saved the workout for real

  11. 2025 is the year to workout

  12. Why don't I use bags of cat litter 😭 I dont have just bags of rice and I'm not gonna ask my parents to get one so I can just say it's for a workout lol and plus cat litter is like 25-50 lbs per bag

  13. Thanks bro for tips

  14. Thank you bro

  15. Then carry the delivery man’s gf

  16. King i dont have rice bag or these things can i just do workout without things

  17. Me: yes i want every muscle on your body

  18. Of course he has bags of rice💀

  19. Never seen a dude so happy working out

  20. Alr bettt

  21. I’m already strong

  22. You literally have a hole rice bag

  23. Fact : Meanwhile bro's body is made in gym😂

    Don't mind bro😅

  24. Whats the benefits of the diamond pushup compared to your standard pushup?

  25. I want ur physique but a bit smaller 😢

  26. I really like your eyes how you make that

  27. Me who wanted to get strength to do the push ups

  28. 20 sets

  29. Bro said without Equipment

  30. teeth too white

  31. Pre-Req: Must be Asian.

  32. Can only boys do this because my sister tried it and she did not get buffed

  33. How to get stronger but not mass

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