Hamstring Stretches Are Useless, Unless You Do This First!

» Hamstring Stretches Are Useless, Unless You Do This First!

Hamstring Stretches Are Useless, Unless You Do This First!

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Bob and Brad demonstrate hamstring stretches that you should be doing.

Bob (the tall one) has been diagnosed with Ataxia. It affects his balance and his speech, but does not affect his thinking. We appreciate your understanding and support!

Interested in learning about the products mentioned in today’s video:
2) Resistance Bands: https://amzn.to/3ACqEWI
3) Pull Up Bands: https://amzn.to/3o3wQBN

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Our videos offer the best “get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free” information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 50 years of combined experience. We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the “Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet” In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us now and join the fun. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link: https://www.amazon.com/shop/physicaltherapyvideo

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~~~~~Our Products: ~~~~~

Pain Management:
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Eye massager: https://amzn.to/3g7vRfy
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Knee Glide: https://www.bobandbrad.com/product-page/bob-brad-knee-glide
Fit Glide: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-%26-brad-fitglide
Leg Massager: https://amzn.to/3Om8fTW
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Holy Cowabunga Joint & Muscle Cream: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/holy-cowabunga-joint-%26-muscle-cream

Resistance Bands: https://amzn.to/3ACqEWI
Pull Up Bands: https://amzn.to/3o3wQBN
Grip and Forearm Strengthener: htthttps://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-%26-brad-grip-%26-forearm-strengthener
Wall Anchor: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-%26-brad-workout-wall-anchor
Hanging Handles: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/hanging-handles-by-bob-and-brad
Pull-Up System: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-and-brad’s-pull-up-system
Hand Grip Strengthener: https://amzn.to/3g4tZEn
Stress Balls: https://amzn.to/3Sk8WP1

Booyah Stik: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-%26-brad-booyah-stik
Stretch Strap: https://amzn.to/3g7i5d2
Posture Pad: https://www.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-and-brad-posture-pad

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Other Products We Love: https://www.amazon.com/shop/physicaltherapyvideo?listId=3581Z1XUVFAFY

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  1. Why no Apple app guys?

  2. I feel very good to see u both. the hope u ppl offer❤❤

  3. Hello from the President of “Bob’s the Man” fan club! Thank you for all of the wonderfully helpful videos!!!

  4. My question with this is if it will help with improving kicks. I read it does. I havent seen a video showing effects. As a martial artist its so frustrating to have tight hips and hamstrings.

  5. Thank you guys – I learned something new watching this!
    Once you stop to think about it, it seems pretty obvious that so HUGE a muscle as the gluteus maximus MUST be associated with EXPLOSIVE movement and therefore – like the neighbouring hamstring – would need 'firing up' before engaging in such activity.
    It seems amazing to say but over many years of receiving input on pre-exercise stretching (both in person and from online sources such as this video), I do not recall a SINGLE instance of a trainer highlighting the 'glutes' and giving information of their function; and struggle even to recall an instance of a given 'stretch' being identified by a trainer as specifically targeting the 'glute' or otherwise explicitly focusing on this muscle. In this respect, it is easily the most NEGLECTED large muscle and locomotion-related muscle in sports education.
    I think the explanation for this is twofold: it is partly the curious physiological fact – highlighted in this video – that inefficient use of the 'glute' has no consequence for the muscle itself but instead impacts the more fragile hamstring, and partly a combination of fastidious historical prudishness over the LOCATION of the muscle (adjacent to the anus – nuff said!); and cultural ambiguity (and therefore confusion) around the fact that – at the most superficial level of analysis – LARGE 'glutes' have the unique distinction of being a sign of BOTH male athleticism (and therefore male virility and sexual attractiveness) AND female sexual attractiveness ( look at statues of ancient pagan fertility goddesses, the fact that well-to-do Victorian women wore that structure under their dresses which ACCENTUATED their 'butts' in that strikingly vulgar way, and ask pretty much any heterosexual male in sub-Saharan Africa…).
    Just like all major big-money modern professional sport (soccer, American football, boxing), 'physical culture' (or sports science as we now know it), has its roots in the transatlantic English-speaking world of the second half of the 19th century. We know very well that this culture was the ultimate Freudian smorgasbord with, arguably, more and deeper-seated hang-ups around sex than any other era in human history. That being the case, I think there was just too many things to deal with psychologically around open discussion of the 'glutes' so people just left the subject alone.

  6. Are these helpfull for urinary retention

  7. Well, that was not what I expected. It's like Abbott and Costello except with real information.

  8. Those hearts could do with some practice, although they proved that I watched the video 🙂

  9. I meant to thank Brad not to diminish Bob but it was Brad who did all the talking on this one

  10. This saved my life. That is not an exaggeration. I’ve been stretching my hamstring for over a year with a zero success. I developed a bursa pain. I did the glutes strengthening exercises and had immediate success. No pain whatsoever in my bursa or knee tightness of the knee. I walked 18 holes yesterday and the golf course and did not know my hip or knee was there. Thank you very much Bob Schrupp. I’m 75 years old and was moving like an old man. Not anymore!

  11. I’m going to get my husband to do those exercises 😂

  12. Can i just do hip thrusting during sex or its not enough? How about kettlbell swing?

  13. Can i just do hip thrusting during sex or its not enough? How about kettlbell swing?

  14. Love you guys! You’re great!

  15. thanks for staying with it guys good luck you both helped me with knee replacement thanks again

  16. would kettlebell swings be ok?

  17. Tried this but I get cramp and cannot continue. Why is this and what can I do to compensate please?

  18. I wonder if statins are part of the problem and we just associate it with age

  19. Can I ask you what is the correct alignment for bridge? Is ankle under knee okay too?

  20. Yes I been doing in physical therapy thanks

  21. How often should you do this

  22. This is a great idea! I injured my hamstring for the when I ran a 100 meter dash race, a typical issue of speed sprints. Thanks a lot.

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