How To Dead Hang Correctly

» How To Dead Hang Correctly

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  2. For hanging, can I completely let go. or will that damage shoulders, should I grip a little.

  3. Cela renforce les doigts pour jouer de la guitare excellent

  4. Been trying this for a month…it's great. Started small and built up to 1 min hangs and now introducing pull ups and swings. Beneficial after a long drive !

  5. "High time we had ourselves a hangin'" – Bufford Tannen

  6. I've been working out for 18 years this one is hard. Remember about nutrition, treat your body as you would treat a Ferrari.

  7. I remember watching this exactly 1 year ago and i must say it's funny that i can't even hang for 15 seconds. Now looking back i can just laugh because now i can hang for more than 115 seconds 😂

  8. How long to rest between set?

  9. "To make hanging a habit" is crazy 💀 😂

  10. But what about weak shoulder

  11. How valuable is the supinated deadhang vs pronated?

  12. hi, does a cool down matter?

  13. I feel bad for that tree, too much weight on that branch

  14. How do you fix getting very light headed after only hanging for a few seconds. I've tried different grip widths, and different head positions. After 10 years of not lifting, and trying to get back into it, I find myself struggling with hangs, when 30 reps use to bean every day thing.

  15. My shoulder seems to have some lack of mobility that makes it difficult to hang. Is there something I can do to improve movement to make hanging a little easier? Also, anything else recommended for grip strength?

  16. If I bend my knees like this video, feels great. Straight legs out, and my core gets hard worked.

  17. Hmm.. prevent ripped calluses? Nah, I ripped it no matter what I tried.. It still ripped even tho my calluses is hard like 70% of my sole (foot)

  18. Doesnt it take to much force on the elbows if you hang 5 min daily like that? Honest question

  19. "the best way to start hanging"

  20. I do the same thing on a roof edge( not very high only I little bit high) and I release my hands slowly. I got many rashed on my hand but I ignored it and now my hand is immune to rashes because it has became very hard❤

  21. i love watching you and your video

  22. How i can only hold for 10- 28 seconds

  23. I love how you could do pull-ups on your stairwell!

  24. Is a set of pullups counted as dead hang total time?

  25. I have been hanging for years. But absolutely nobody else in my gym here in China does it. It puzzles me.

  26. Would it be wise to strenghten your forearm muscles before putting your whole body weight on grip in your hands?

    I've beem doing pull ups and dead hangs for some time now but I've injured my right elbow because I think I lack basic strenght when I'm gripping. Lately it's painfull after every set. Weird thing is that dead hangs and pull ups didn't contribute much to my grip strenght over the last 2 years, it's still incredibly difficult to hang after some 20 secs. 5 minutes, even if split in a lot of series, seems imposible.

    But then again… I used to have 75kg some 2-3y ago and now I'm close to 90kg, maybe I'm just too heavy for myself now.

  27. Thank you! Great dead hang tips. Now I know how to properly do this exercise. ❤

  28. Man I rally thank you for the last advice

  29. I’m convinced this guy knows everything

  30. orrrrr, u can just live your life instead? 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻

  31. so is it normal to not be able to breathe when hanging? im a female and beginner. i joke that i have zero upper body strength but that's not actually that far off from the truth. im on my early 30s and have never been able to do a pull up.

    i really wanna do calisthenics so im starting with hanging and cannot breathe at all during it (as in take a deeper breath). am i doing it wrong or do i beed to start with feet on the floor first? thanks!

  32. 5 minutes for beginners 😂, I'd recommend starting with 3×30~45 seconds

  33. 45-60 seconds for 5 sets a day. Thanks, I'll keep this in mind because I hate dead hangs a lot but still do them in the past.

  34. Another tip- hook grip, do it

  35. I don't care about callouses

  36. The final boss are fingerboards

  37. I got left hanging a year ago. Im writing this message with the hand that wasnt left hanging.

  38. 💙❤️💙❤️💙

  39. First consider the proportions and size variability of hands. Short fingers on large diameter gym bars means increased difficulty. Rowing machines, are for large hands, so bias is programmed in.

  40. That last tip about the hands and calluses, I thank you 🫡

  41. What if you have weak and easily injured shoulders?

  42. That branch was fighting for its life 💀

  43. Is a lil over 3 minutes much?

  44. Y is mat pat now jacked

  45. Remove ur hair under arm first 😂

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