The deadlift is a strength training staple — but are you sure you’re even doing the exercise correctly?
For this basic gym necessity, you shouldn’t settle for anything other than perfect form—especially because of the heavy weights you’ll eventually be working to pull. Let Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., guide you through the exercise’s subtleties, saving you from the bad habits that are keeping you from unlocking your fitness potential.
Before grabbing your barbell (or dumbbells or hexbar), take note that this it’s extremely important to pay attention to the details here. You might think you need a lifting belt or straps to even step up to the bar, but as you’ll soon learn, that’s not the case. Forget the gear—just be ready to learn how to lift a ton of weight.
How To Perfect Your Deadlift | Form Check | Men’s Health
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Talk way too much
First time doing deadlifts, and now I'm ready to perform them in the gym.
Man I watched this and I started cheesing because I just started knocking out reps and I saw my form improve thx
Alright Brett do this. YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS!

Thank you for the tip. The belt was hurting my lower back, so I stopped using belts. No straps for me. My grip strength is only getting stronger.
The forms of working out really are difficult to achieve. Lifting weights really do be a form of art
hips lower than shoulders …Key ,key ,key
Talk to much I want to know only frm
from last 2 weeks i was doing it wrong, my hips were not lower than my shoulders,,, (i have never tried deadlift before and this video helped me to understand what was wrong with my posture) thanks for a short video,,, directly comes to the point
That was helpful, guys, and really to the point and not long-winded like so many other videos. It is actually harder to retain knowledge when there is too much waffling.
I just did my first deadlift workout today and I noticed after that my hips feel very badly strained. I'm trying to figure that out. Deadlift is a very tricky lift for me and deadlift demands good form. On squat and bench press you can get away with your form being a little off but on deadlift you can't make any compromise on it. Even as a tall person I have an a lot easier time squatting than I do deadlifting.
cmon brett!
I felt a little sharp pain in my hamstrings after doing 120kg deadlift. It went away afterwards but I need to train hamstrings a lot more. Thank you deadlift for showing my weakness
This exercise is scary because if done wrong can get very badly injured. I think the only way people should do this is with a trainer.
Great video….
My form always falls apart on the set down, especially when i start getting tired.
Also didnt know overextending at the top was bad.
I’m still beginner. Done deadlifts twice. Think my hips might be too high on lift cos I get lower back pain on low weights. Will try these tips
Great video and very informative!
This is the best deadlift video ive ever seen
Great video. Im just starting to workout again and am new to the deadlift.
Throw 315 on there and let’s see Brett’s form. Not being sarcastic, just sick of seeing these light weight form videos. Show us some real lifts.
Dude is named Ebenezer

Haven’t done deadlifts in over seven years, last time I did it I hurt my back. I’ll try it again. Thanks for the video
Thankyou love from India
You sound like Goggins
Been working out about a year now. I'm always scared of deadlift breaking my back. I've just started practicing with around 90-105kg. I can't do it with correct form but with poor form and curved back i can lift 105. I seriously need help lifting 105 with correct form.
I think a lot of people bend over too much doing a good morning.. the back should always be at like a 15 degree angle.. using your hands as a hinge… And pushing with your legs… Not pulling with your arms.
Just starting deadlifts today after about a year in the gym, ready to get some!
Don’t forget the leg presses and working on the squat rack
I’ve been deadlifting 20 years and this is as good as I’ve ever seen it explained. Fundamentals are everything. I’m so glad he stressed the importance of training with the over hand grip when possible. Mixed grip when you can’t hold it overhand is the best in my opinion. I still start my sessions with overhand until it gets to the point I need to use mixed grip. Amazing for forearms as well. Mine look like I could club someone with them and they are shredded thanks to maximizing use of overhand grip
Ty for this video
all the others are like 20 minutes long for some reason
There's of picture of these two under "Bro's" in the dictionary.

Thanks guys
I see other videos and lots of websites saying that romanian deadlifts are safer for the back. this is the only vid ive seen saying the opposite
Thank you!
is it normal to feel it in your quads on the way up? i always struggle with the positioning of ‘squatting’ that low having the hips lower than the shoulders. when i do this it almost feels like i’m lifting with my quads ?
Great video, straight to the point
Based on the quick release, wide stance and exertion shown I’ll guess 535-550, good job!
Thank you guys, really helpful.
Why didn’t you multiple reps?
so we know how it looks after