Want to lose your menopause belly and get your confidence back? Click here and learn more about The Lady Change – https://www.skool.com/theladychange
The Lady Change is for women who want to lose weight, live a happier, longer and more confident life! Inside The Lady Change, I show how 6,000+ menopausal women (peri & post too) have lost 10 – 20lbs in 8 weeks! Click the link above to learn more!
Welcome back ladies!
My mission is to show you that it is possible to transform your body in your 40s, 50s and older! Most women I meet want to get in shape but just don’t know where to start. In this video I show exactly what you can do to start exercising and getting in shape!
If your goal is to get fit, then take my advice and follow along as best as you can.
Getting fit doesn’t come easy and does require effort, so if you’re ready subscribe to my channel and let’s go!
If you are new to working out start with simple, easy exercises without weights before attempting more advanced workouts. Performing routines out of your capability might cause injury. Petra Genco will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
#womenover40 #womenover50 #weightloss #menopause #homeworkout #loseweight #bodytransformation
Love the workout video for abs. How many days a week do you recommend this ab exercise?
Hi i am 65 recovering from cancer. But i am a male ?. Do you recomend that it will get results on male bodys. Thanks Petra.
6:14 recap ! Let’s goooo!!

thanks Petra,,you are so inspiring and lovely and full of enthusiasm and you really care,,thank you,,
Ppl don't want any talk. Please skip the chat and get into it.
Ver good
Thanks so much Petra. I can't wait to get my flat tummy back and body toned with these exercises amongst other ones am doing. I am happy i was able to do these with you adding 5lbs weights in each hand

Nice and simple
My first time. Im doing it.
Thanks very much
I have Diasis Recti, hard to do certain exercises any that you can recommend? Thanks
This exercise will work for me greatly
Day 7 – Whew!!!!! Great workout!!! I am out of breath. Thank you Madame for this workout program. As for my belly- yes, I see it is a bit smaller , thank you!!! A.F. Le 26.02.2025. France
Perfect exercises for anyone but really helpful if you are older. Thank you for repeating and demonstrating them a second time at the end.
Day 6 – Back at it!!! Glad to have found you. This exercise program is doing me well. Smiles, A.F. Le 25.02.2025. France
Day 5 – OmGosh!!!! I am tired!!!! Whew! Think I really worked the exercise well today. Grateful, A.F. Le 24.02.2025 France
Day 4 – Whew!!!! Do feel these exercise. Thank you Madame! A.F. Le 21.02.2025 France
Day 3 – Yes! I am still here working on the program. Feeling better and not to sore. Continuing on…..A.F. Le 20.02.2025 France
Bonjour Madame! Day 2 of your exercise program ….Boiy!!! bI am really out-of-breathe today!!! What a workout! Thank you, Your new Exercise Student, A.mF. Le 19.02.2025. France
Bonjour Madame!!! I am new to your site after doing a quick search online. Think I will continue with your exercise program as a Part II to an exercise program that I am already a member of. Have completed the exercise. Will continue to participate in this exercise program as a Part II for the next 7 days. Then, I will judge the results. Thank you and have a blessed day. A New Fitness Student, A.F. Le 17.02.2025 France
I am inspired to do this workout. Starting: Day 1 – 15 Feb 2025. My waist is 110cm, I will definitely give periodic feedback. Thank you
Love it