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I Flew to Iceland to Challenge Hafthor Bjornsson to Strength Test | 501kg DEADLIFT WORLD RECORD PREP
that was brilliant!
Is this dude wearing leggings? Black leggings, with white socks pulled up over them. That might be the most tragic thing I’ve ever seen a grown man wear
Hafthor is such a cool guy and so immensely strong!!!
Love how Thor basically rips the Assault Bike apart
is that his dad? lmao he looks exactly like one streamer called bjorn too, from ice poseidon community back in the days i sear its him
Please…steel is maximum 25 kg/Pearson (longsword) train with wood and water…
Oohrah dippl…
what is wrong with his mouth
Geiler Scheiß, i need more
Double bodyweight isn't really fair. If you look at strongman and powerlifting records, 2x bodyweight doesn't mean 2x weight lifted. Not even close.
Ah.. challenging the guy who faked 501kg? Time to stop giving this cheat exposure. The way he threw his toys out the pram when Hall beat him soundly at WSM, and the way he appeared to pull 501kg easily at home with his father as judge, but cant get near it since, shows a man who does not deserve the plaudits he is getting.
That guy is bloody massive!!
Why are you wearing leggings?
you should life same weight as him to say you are stronger, weight v bodyweight is irrelevent
Great contest Matt! It would be good to see how a 50kg strongman compares to you & Thor!
Shield in the back looks like a Minion. Just saying. 00:02:08
Thor looks badly bloated.
He absolutely needs to start trimming down.
He cannot beat Stoltman, he needs to train down. I am genuinely worried about his size
Thing is Thor is natty and pure strength and your just a gearhead jabber
Setting his own weights based on his weight
Just,… Viking
You've got bigger tits than him
Was zu Teufel soll die schwule Leggins,
steroid gut
bravo a vous deux
He needs to start training the muscles in the right side of his face
I prefer reading a book…
I wonder how log press feels compared to barbell overhead press. never tried it, has no such gyms here.
I dont really like the idea that load depends on bodyweight (p4p stuff). The strength is ultimate, so who picks heavier stone – wins, if you ask me.
but cool collab any way
I can't stand bubble guts
Many years ago a strongman competitor came on the original UK gladiators. They were destroyed he put up the highest points total ever and got a 30 second lead on the eliminator, they still lost on the travellator. I think in honour of this Legend (Matt) should invite Luke Stoltman to take part in this years celebrity gladiators. I'm sure all your companions would love it Matt!
Man, thor i such a likeable bloke
Just make your own rules up, do the same weight and there's no arguements.
In the Fletch household, you are our favourite gladiator. My 7 and 9 year old daughters love to hate you, but whenever you come on they’re like “Oh no, it’s Legend” and then do your poses. Watching Gladiators makes for great family watching. Thanks Matt!
It's a very good and nice video
Thor on the bike unreal power fair play surprised me that did proper..
whats with the white socks
Me winning just by watching
!!! Go lucky Thor
Should have just played him at duel.
I love watching gladiators with you in it you and dimond is my favourite
What a BS comparison