Learning to Deadlift | The Starting Strength Method

» Learning to Deadlift | The Starting Strength Method

How to deadlift as taught by Mark Rippetoe in Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. In this instructional video, you’ll learn the correct positions and movement for the deadlift.

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  1. Deadlifting is not like following a recipe for cookies.

    Your instincts and mind-body connection needs to be at the forefront.
    If you're simply trying to do these steps in order, you won't learn to deadlift.

    I'm currently lifting @ x2 bodyweight, it has been a difficult road up learn how to lift with your legs, and not your back.


  3. I unlocked my lower back during pull and injured my lower back.

  4. What if you don't have flexibility to reach the barbell, you can bend a little?

  5. For the last one, the split squat I will add a weighted vest for extra strength training whist still giving me the security of the chair for balance, until i can progress to adding a barbell across my shoulder. 😊

  6. Among the best tutorial video for deadlifts!

  7. I hit 155 today and was feeling like the mfn man that’s why I’m here😂😂😂this mfr strong as hell😂I wonder what he weighing

  8. 4 minutes and you have everything you'll ever need to watch for a deadlift!

  9. Perhaps there is one point to criticize. As far as I know, the foot should be lifted when it is turned outwards. I can't remember exactly. But it has something to do with the tendons and ligaments in the leg.

  10. One of the best deadlifters on planet,Yuri Belkin, said that if the bar rubs your legs, your technique is wrong. Not anything told by Rippetoe is right.

  11. I have never seen Or Hear .. Such a Great Explanation From Any ine Except Mark Ripptoe❤

  12. 🫡🤝

  13. The best explanation ever. I watched it over and over again aiming to remember it by heart.

  14. When you try to do it with proper technique the deadlift really is one of the most tricky exercises to master of the big compound exercises 🙈

  15. Does the bar hit the knee in up and down motion?

  16. But the diameter* of the plates is important isn't it ?

  17. I have moved the bar what now?

  18. I like this video because it goes over things that one would take for granted as a beginner

  19. MR can do a step by step on how to build and consume a taco in the correct fashion and still make it sound as anatomically precise as possible.

  20. Best tutorial I've ever seen on yt

  21. Your torso should never be parallel to the ground

  22. I had been almost in a squat stance referring to angle of butt to knees unfortunately

  23. stupid bree

  24. gyatt

  25. Very hekpful tganks


  27. Real shit , followed already , better than other video explanation

  28. do you need to use belt? I saw many use it, or when will we need to use belt?

  29. quick and on point. unlike some fake * lengthy videos by them so-called influencers on youtube

  30. Thank you god that you sent me this channel ! 🙏

  31. Can anyone tell me what to do if my hamstings win in the "war"? 2:31
    I never seem to be able to straighten out my back.
    Do i need to stretch my hamstrings?

  32. This video is A++ thankyou

  33. Trap bar makes deadlift a lot easier

  34. Well damn … the most informative 4:22 deadlift video I've ever watched

  35. Thanks!

  36. Thanks for the clear video!

  37. i'm a novice, injured my lower back doing deadlift because of a little egolifting. recovered and came back to deadlift being so scared. right now i been playing this video twice right before every single lower body day when I'm going to do deadlift, thinking about the cues of each step when I'm actually doing the reps, and also be super careful with the weight. so far my deadlift is increasing and I NEVER got any lower back pain or again. Thank you so so much for this video!!!

  38. No way.. I’ve never dragged or touch my legs haha

  39. Incredible detail. Thanks so much.

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