LOWER BACK PAIN? (Do these exercises everyday…)

» LOWER BACK PAIN? (Do these exercises everyday…)

Most of the time lower back soreness originates from weakness, so do these exercises everyday to start building strength and stability in your lower back.

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#fitness #fitnessuk #lowerback #core #injuries #strength #crockfitcommunity



  1. Good Sir
    Whats the Type or Design of tatoo on ur shoulder called?

  2. Terima kasih bertanya. Masa bangun tadi dah tak sakit macam kelmarin. Cuma masih susah nak bangkit secara tegak. Masih minimal lagi dengan kaedah2 biasa sebenarnya.

  3. damn, you are so beautiful

  4. My exact exercise physiology program after 3 lumbar back surgeries

  5. A lot better.. thank you so much

  6. very good vid , helped me alot

  7. hi!..how usually long will the backpain…go away?keep doing these excercise?

  8. I did bent over row, my back pain is gone

  9. If it already developed into nociceptive pain or scarring pain, it may not work.

  10. I get extremely dizzy if I lay flat on my back is there some alternative to that?

  11. Id literally never cheat on you. Jesus christ they make people that look like this?

  12. Thanks bro, I got this pain by playing football n stop playing it but now i'mma start play it again after recovery by doing this. =)

  13. Lol doing this with herniated disc is a nightmare thanks for making my pain in my lumbar worse

  14. What if my back hurt too after I do these exercise? Should I continue?

  15. Musze sprawdzić bo czesto mnie tam boli

  16. Bro my back pain whole day because I am doing yoga every summer season but delayed in winters now I am do streching and yoga so my back getting pain I am suffering from 2 month with this what I do ? Tell me please I think my lower back muscles is getting tight now

  17. Don’t do the superman exercice it’s terrible for the lower back and it’s actually the one that injured me bad

  18. Thanks I'm.gonna try these.

  19. Anything wrong with those abs?🫣 lol. wait… I’m here for back muscle strain exercises, on topic 😂

  20. If only uncle knew about this

  21. Handsome, complety atractive

  22. This body is what I wanted all my life

  23. Can you make a faster video pls 🙂

  24. Thanks you savior, I was very worried about my back and wasn't able to do anything normally or easily but after just one day of these exercises my back feels so great I can't explain. Thanks for your help

  25. Amazing, i have a herneated disc since am 17 and this exercises really are a game changer ig you do them every day

  26. Thanks bro,I am a footballer and l was injured there and you helped me alot

  27. Doesn't work my brother

  28. After doing this my legs and my arms got paralyzed

  29. I’m 22 and had a double level artificial disc replacement. These are the exact workouts prescribed by my physical therapist. Good work 🦾

  30. Tybso much i can fell much better

  31. what if your pain is from a slipped disc or something like that? could these exercises do more damage? the third exercise he shows its just unbearable for me and makes lower back pain worse. the first exercise is great and allows me somehow to crack the back in several places – which is a relief.

  32. Nah give me something else this too sus

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