Run A FASTER 5K With These MUST-DO Workouts!

» Run A FASTER 5K With These MUST-DO Workouts!

In todays video I share my must-do workouts to improve your fastest 5k time. For each key workout i offer a beginner and more advanced version to ensure they can be adjusted to where your at in your current training plan and experience level. Please leave a like, consider subscribing and share this video with your running buddies. ASPIRE TO RUN, RUN TO INSPIRE

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  1. How I train speed interval I’ll do 10 minutes straight at race pace which is 10.2 mph then I’ll take 4 minutes off running on 8.3 mph then I run again 10.2 mph for the last 4 minutes and it gets me 3.1 miles in like 18:45

  2. 46 year old here trying to break 20 mins. Thanks for the video

  3. 6x1k at 5k race pace with 2 min rest (3min normally or equivalent to your "on" total time) is a solid VO2 workout. When you recommend switching to 8x1k with 90s rest, you're moving into more of a threshold workout IMO. Still a solid workout but probably better for 10k or half marathon. I heard it a few times in the video – cut rest to make it more advanced. I'd argue you should run the reps faster to make it more advanced. Cutting rest will typically move these workouts from 5k specific to an early season 5k workouts, or generally something less specific (10k or half). This is fine and will fit into a training plan, but it's okay to take the standard rest on these workouts and focus on hammering your race pace.

  4. I completed a 5x1km workout with 3 min breaks between intervals. During break I were jogging, walking and standing (mixed). I ran each kilometer in time (min): 3:25, 3:25, 3:26, 3:31, 3:32. Can someone tell me based on the training I did, what time I should aim in the next 5k race?

  5. Power of 10 says you ran an 18 minute park run back in 2013. You're a liar pal

  6. Why did you say you ran your first park run in 2019 when you ran an 18.40 back in 2013 ?

  7. Hi Ben, I know it’s late but what do you recommend as a 10k race pace and 1500k race pace. My 5k race pace is 5:00 per km. Thanks!

  8. most gains will be seen in changes made to diet and eating. addressing this fact would have been much more useful.

  9. 6x1k tonight, upping from the 6x800m I was planning on tonight. Thanks for the suggestion. Running my first 5k race on Thanksgiving since, basically, high school. Back then I could throw down sub 17:30s regularly. I've lost 30 pounds in the last 5 months of running, down from ~215 to ~185. Hoping to go under 22 minutes, but will be ok with sub 23, considering I'm still 40 pounds more than I was in HS! lol.

  10. With the first sesh – one km reps – should this be at your current 5k pace, or what you are aspiring to achieve over 5k?

  11. best video I have ever seen, directly to the point avoiding a lot of cheap chat, like building endurance, zone 2, slow running, manage HR blah blah blah

  12. Man, I started running after smoking 20 years. After running few months, I clocked at 20:40 last year. Not bad right? I thought I would break sub 20 min sooner or later. I just did race couple days ago. god damn 21:40. man…a year worth of running for worse time. that's depressing lol

  13. All this pretty standard Training for 5-10k racing. The best thing people can do, IMO, is join a traditional running club. There are plenty of them around and you'll get heaps of advice from coaches to experienced runners.

  14. Meghalaya police 2024 n ssc gd 😂 any one here,

  15. Hi Ben, great video again, thanks hips for all of them. My question is: How many of those work out/week would you suggest to do for a mid beginner, 1,2,3 ???? Thanks.

  16. how much recovery between the 1600 and the 800, how much between the 800 and the 400, and how much between the 400 and the 200?

  17. Oh shit, I sat a new PB yesterday at 23:45. Kinda felt good until I saw this 😀

  18. How many workouts a week?

  19. Great video. Are you supposed to do all 4 workouts in the same day? If not, how would you space out these workouts across a week?

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  21. 12×400 (90secs) is absolutely brutal, jesus christ 😀

  22. Shoukd I do one of these every days which one each day what rest days someone help

  23. The most common workouts we did were 6x1km and 12x400m. The 1km intervals were done at our goal 5k pace, and the 400m were done at our 1600m pace.

  24. 0:34 – 6 sets x 1 km at target pace (2 mins recovery).
    2:42 – 12 sets x 400m at 3k race pace (90 secs recovery).
    4:11 – 1600m, 2 x 800m, 4 x 400m, 8 x 200m 2 x 400 and 4 x 200. Start from 10k race pace then 5k then 3k then 1500m. (90, 60, 45, 30 secs).
    6:35 – 10 x 30 sec uphill sprints at 80% effort (jog down hill)

  25. I'm not a fan of reducing recovery time, it's all about the work being at the correct intensity. For example your 400s, keep it at 90s rest and add more reps. Call it when you can't recover after 90s

  26. How down and back up the ladder is WILD. 8 miles of speed work. Do you commonly do a workout like that?? Genuine question!

  27. This is a lot for speed which is great, but how many K’s a week should be done for base endurance fitness for a 5k event along with the speed sessions on a different day?

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