Stop Doing Deadlifts Like This (3 Lifting Mistakes EVERYONE Makes)

» Stop Doing Deadlifts Like This (3 Lifting Mistakes EVERYONE Makes)

Here’s how to improve your Deadlift with a simple technique fix. If your lower back takes over or you have a hard time using your quads, glutes and hamstrings when lifting, check this out.

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Within a couple of workouts or even just a few sets and reps you’ll be able to find the perfect technique and start position for your deadlift, based upon your personal structure, leg length and height.
Whether you’re lifting heavy or just starting out with light weights as a beginner, this technique adjustment will save you a lot of time and frustration with your Deadlifts. Enjoy!



  1. Stop making so much noise when putting down the weights 🫨🫨

  2. Dude looks like he's good for 5 plates doing reps 💪🔥

  3. Can i clean here?

  4. Damn now I want a coach for deadlifts as well. This reminds me a lot of when I had a single one hour session with an ice skating coach after trying to improve by myself for a long time. My body knew al lot of the possible variations because of what I tried on my own before, but the coach pointed out what combination worked the best and I started to feel like I was flying. It was a lot of fun!

  5. Thats some really usefull advice! Well explained and showcased. Love it!

  6. One of the best demonstrations I’ve seen on deadlifts

  7. Thoughts on the bang, stop, lift at the bottom that I see all the time in the gym now instead of the 'old school' tap and go? When you bang, stop, lift you relieve tension on the muscles and tendons increasing the chance of a bad reposition and possible injury in the next lift. If you remain with full tension at the bottom with a light 'tap' on the floor, you are slowing as you get to the floor with more control and more time under tension, increasing growth and reducing the chance of injury.

  8. I’ve been doing it like the before this whole time 😂 can’t wait to try this after work

  9. He was doing a clean deadlift but didn’t know it.

  10. all of this is nice but you can just switch to landmine deadlift and all of the problems go away

  11. Thank you

  12. Thank you coach. Such good advice, very well said. It's not just the message that ET gives, it's the way that it's conveyed. He says it in a way that can actually be heard. No shaming, very supportive. A true role model in the fitness community.

  13. 3 very good tips to turn a "deadsquat" into a deadlift. I would add (4) set the back, especially his lower back by thinking push your belly between your thighs and (5) look more forward about 12 feet in front versus hunched over at the neck looking down.

  14. GD eugene you are the man, v helpful

  15. Great, now how do I do this when I have short arms 😢

  16. I’m training for a 25km 1200m elevation gain trail run in 12 weeks time and I’m starting in incorporate deadlifts into my plan. I already know it’s gonna do wonders.

  17. Man thank you, worked with two trainers and they could not explain it like this. Just kept telling me I was doing it wrong. Now I know what to do, I was doing all the same mistakes as this guy.

  18. head and eyes forward [maybe?]😳

  19. I’ve found that if you ensure your shins are against the bar at the start and you see your hips half way between your shoulders and knees in a mirror ahead of you, your body is in the #1 Tip position he listed.

  20. Im new to exercise thank God for youtube ive hurt myself once already trying deadlifting.

    Video helped but I think imma need to go to the gym and get someone to actually walk me though it one on one because I know I start right but by rep 3 form is gone and my brain short circuits all I can think about is the hinge and I forget everything else

  21. Perfect explanation

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