STRONGER Back with DUMBBELLS: Best Dumbbell Back Workout!

» STRONGER Back with DUMBBELLS: Best Dumbbell Back Workout!

Build a stronger, more defined back with this ultimate dumbbell back workout! These exercises will help you target all major back muscles, making it perfect for home or gym training.

1️⃣ Dumbbell Bent-Over Row: 3×12 reps
2️⃣ Single-Arm Dumbbell Row: 3×12 reps
3️⃣ Dumbbell Deadlift: 3×10 reps
4️⃣ Renegade Row: 3×10 reps

#BackWorkout #MuscleBuilding #StrengthTraining #GetFit #Bodybuilding #FitnessMotivation #Workout #Fitness #Endomondo
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  1. What’s the second workout called?

  2. do these do the whole back and is it good enough for dumbbells if not have equipment

  3. number 1 got the gyaaat though

  4. Ok hear me out the one on the top … GYAAAAAT

  5. "Great job! I have a similar fitness channel💪💪💥💥

  6. I love the feeling of full range db rows.

  7. Whats the 2nd one called? I only got 1 dumbell.

  8. O problema de fazer Viking preto, pardo, é que isso abre margem pra fazerem pior!
    É a hisotira da casa com uma janela quebrada… Se vc nao arrumar a janela, vc ou outros, vao parar de ligar pra porta, pra escada, para as paredes, daí uma hora alguem vai comecar a cagar no chao e a destruir a casa.

    Eu nem ligo para Como Treinar seu Dragão, mas eu amo Bleach e se eles forem fazer live action com o Ishida negro e o Chad branco, eu ficaria possesso!

  9. 4 is the most useless excercise. Why go in a pushup position if you can just bend while standing. 0 ROM

  10. My advice is to either use only a combination of the first one and the third one, or the second one and the third one. Because the single arm dumbbell row does basically what a bent over dumbbell row does, but on one side at a time

  11. how many sets and reps should i do for each exercise?

  12. What’s the first one called, I wanna look up someone explaining the form

  13. Its called renegade raw

  14. First one has a giant GYYAAAAT

  15. the last one is impossible but thank you❤

  16. The Fourth one is literally the worst one, do only the 3 above

  17. The fourth one seem to be impossible

  18. 3 of these are literally the same thing

  19. Renegade rows are literally the worst for back

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