Agreed kfs is not . Well done fir coming back home and having proper diet not a dopamine hit with used and abused chicken. Fried is finest oil f ,,,,,k that.
Wow! Your physiques are amazing! I wish i could be like this!
When are yall shipping vein rage
Mike is looking fucking gnarly bruh
That planet fitness was definitely a restaurant before that shape has got to be like ihop or some shit
Just started my first cycle
Bro who let you in might get fired if the franchise owner sees this video. I work for a franchise owner who owns 90 planet fitness in the mid west. I am a trainer at 2 of his locations. He is very strict.
They definitely f each other
What's the s9ng they play when they start arms?
Roids r bad
Bro that’s the gym I go to
Bassets are the best
Song name 5:23 ??
Music choice in this ones goated
Agreed kfs is not
oil f ,,,,,k that.
Well done fir coming back home and having proper diet not a dopamine hit with used and abused chicken. Fried is finest
Wow! Your physiques are amazing! I wish i could be like this!
When are yall shipping vein rage
Mike is looking fucking gnarly bruh
That planet fitness was definitely a restaurant before

that shape has got to be like ihop or some shit
Just started my first cycle
Bro who let you in might get fired if the franchise owner sees this video. I work for a franchise owner who owns 90 planet fitness in the mid west. I am a trainer at 2 of his locations. He is very strict.
4:04, bro said
They (PF) should pay them for brand awareness and bringing them business
that is if they didn’t run everyone out
God Bless y’all
4:06 bro did not say dinner
as a planet fitness employee, i’ve never seen a pf gym with that goated of lighting
Them setting off the lunk alarm had me rolling
That’s a sick ass planet fitness
Deadlift has improved so much!
I love the dynamic between them it’s hilarious
You guys are awesome but no there's a lot available between the Jeep between me and you. Well I'm honestly amazed at how much you two can lift

watching a tren twin video is like being on crack
Hate these guys all you want they putting in work
Hello soy de México
its everywhere
Don't worry, it's my emotional support barbell.