Targeting Belly Fat and Loose Skin

» Targeting Belly Fat and Loose Skin

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  1. In the same boat with the loose skin, I gained 50 pounds within three months after the age of 40 (from 125 to 175) and regretting that I ever did that. My weight is back down, but I will always have that loose skin.😢

  2. Nether regions 😂

  3. My take/story. So I was obese most of my teenager years. At 18 years old I received my first gym bench and began my fitness journey. During university years I was obsessed with loosing weight and finally becoming fit. I’ve dropped around 35kg which is ~80 pounds. Sadly, i did it by exhausting my body with very low caloric intake and tons of cardio. Since then I’ve struggled a lot with loose skin.

    Finally I’ve came to visit a very good surgeon, who told that my case is pretty radical. I’d need to spend around 30 thousand dollars with 3-4 different surgeries. He even told me that even after this, my body will look good mostly in clothes, only then I will look fit etc. But without it? Well everyone will be able to tell, that something is off and unnatural with my physique. Also, overall threatment would be a case of 1-2 years of surgery-suffering-recovery and repeat.

    I’ve resigned and decided to abandon my dreams of becoming super jacked guy. Now I’m doing 6 days a week “Dr Mike’s favorite” on RP and slowly building up mass/muscles to match my skin.

    I’m quite aware it might not be perfect over the years, but I love bodybuilding and I won’t give up. All the best to everyone reading, and take care! Remember to take care of yourself during crucial times and stay strong!

  4. I’ve switched to using full ROM while wiping. I’m definitely getting more of a muscular fatigue but the reps I’ve had to add is taking its toll.

  5. I don’t know when I started running when I was younger the fat went off my legs first. If I could have chosen where I wanted my fat loss first I would have chosen my entire upper body first. But yeah I did lose a little everywhere but I felt disproportionate around the legs

  6. Mike: I don’t think I can say ass on YT
    Also Mike: Immediately says ass on YT

  7. I lost 242.5 lbs in 1 year … 34 yo atm … atm I am 249 lbs with visible abs 6ft5

  8. Hey Dr. Mike, what do you think about lipolysis injections?

  9. I’m surprised Vshred hasn’t already snagged this clipped and made a video for 5000 crunches a day.

  10. This video is already over 2 years old, but the title caught my attention. I've always been of the understanding that all the sits ups in the world, wont give you a six pack, so I was surprised at your initial study mention until you quantified it with the caveats of a tiny percentage or possibly measurement inaccuracies. During my bout with Covid I went from a trained 240 (not lean, still carried a good bit of fat) all the way down to 183Lbs in just 4 weeks on a respirator. I couldn't even walk without a walker, let alone train. I blew up to 267lbs over the next three years.

    Eventually I was sick of myself and got with a coach who set me up with a decent program. I've been soaking up knowledge from this channel the past, I don't know, year and half maybe. I'm in a really good place now. Im 56 years old and currently 187.4 pounds as I prep for a show in November. I 100% have a bit of loose skin on my abs, but can still hide it fairly well (wont be hitting a most muscular or front abs very well though). An OG at the gym mentioned preparation h and plastic wrap as a short term fix. anyone else have any ideas?

  11. Hilarious how you cant spot reduce fat, but the moment I gained any fat as a lifelong borderline anorexic guy, it went straight into my lower belly area, and whenever I try to lose fat, it comes off from anywhere but there
    Genetics truly are a beautiful thing, huh?

  12. Came for loose skin info, and stayed for Mike gentle patenting people who don’t want to believe spot reduction isn’t real. Lol.

  13. u say hes never taken a drug in his life based on what? less then 1% of people can get super lead and jacked without PEDs and you should know that. Stick to the jokes buddy go become a comedian lol

  14. well… shit… I was 260 now I'm 200 with stomach skin being loose…

  15. I'm tall and the heaviest I ever weighed in at was 240 pounds. I wasn't weightlifting then. now I'm 200 pounds and quite lean. I have so much loose skin

  16. There is limited progress in reducing loose skin when you fast for extended periods of time, like 3-5 days, due to autophagy. Downsides: you will certainly lose some muscle, and the effect is small. If you have a lot of loose skin, then probably surgery.

  17. I have an mRNA based penis enlargement system to pitch, gauranteed results in 30 days, the technology is about 15 years ahead of its time and will be supported by government mandates.

  18. Can you build your way through the fat if you have a BMI of 25/26?

  19. This is about my third time getting back in shape from being a fat blob to people saying wow you must workout a lot. And every time I do it belly fat is the last to go.

  20. Man I can fit my index finger under the skin above my knee… legs used to be massive. Time to get em back . . .

  21. Walking

  22. I went from 250 to 170 pounds after quarantine, a little loose skin, mostly in my arms and face. I hope it goes back to somewhere close to its original place eventually.

  23. grew up with eating disorder, nearly curbed it towards end of teenagehood but still ended up with some spiky gains at times. still not quite lean enough to really notice the loose skin but i know it is there. thx for all your free info doctie

  24. The loose skin is maddening. I am 5’8 and shredded now, striations all over and you wouldn’t know my lower abs have some loose skin from being about 206lbs at my heaviest. I had a pot belly and probably was over 35 percent body fat. Back to the abs, I am finally starting to lose the loose skin around my abs from doing a lot of ab training to make them blockier. The biggest thing for me is patience. The loose skin is finally going away through having my abdominals pop more while still losing some more body fat. I think for those who are really obese you might consider surgery if the skin is very drastic. But for anyone like me just have patience and keep going. Some of us aren’t gifted with the best body fat distribution and it might be the very last area to go. Thanks Dr Mike for all of your help over the years.

  25. Meh… skin is an organ too. It can be stimulated: it has blood streams, micromusles (yeah, when you fur stands up – its because of muscles). So…

    Contrast shower initiates skin "workout". Hot make it loosen, cold make it contract hair muscles and tighten in total (physics). Also it is damn stress, and any organ mobilizes at stress. Do few sets, as normal workout.

    Next, but mostly variation of previous: russian sauna with agressive "massage" with… brooms? of straw. Hot sauna with times of cold pool and good pounding will do the job for skin aswell.

    Not magic, not huge amount of loose skin go, but significantly better than on sofa.

  26. I don't even watch the videos for the tips or the humour, I think I'm in love with doctor Mike 😍😍

  27. Nah winny works for leaning out.

  28. Was 300 now I’m 220. Im 22… hoping to have abs at some point, this is discouraging

  29. My understanding is that we never lose fat – we shrink fat cells

  30. I was 280lbs at 40yrs old now at 48 I'm 185 n jacked. Still tiny amount skin on low abs n it's improving. 2 more yrs I think it will be gone. I won't give up like ppl want. My leg raises are amazing and improved my whole physique. Thing for skin I used is batana oil n red light therapy every day. Some intermittent Fasting

  31. Here’s how you spot reduce fat: you cant’t. Thank you for tuning in.

  32. My grip strength has always been good, which I put down to a lot or horse riding and gymnastics growing up. But I've noticed that it's better again with the weightlifting that i now do along with modifying the grip when doing so can help improve grip stength by focusing on different muscles in the fingers and forearms

  33. But what do I about stretch marks?

  34. Wish you would wax top of your arms. Beast

  35. There is an injection that will spot reduce as a byproduct of treatment and has been around for decades, but they've yet to see the earning potential of repurposing it as a fat burner.

  36. 5'11", 44yrs old, 190lbs (was 260) i've been on 1800 cals and weight training consistantly now for 3-4 years now, but, my belly and man boobs won't go! HURRY UP WITH THAT BIOTECH WILL YA 😂😂😂

  37. Starting the 2 minute a day sixpack workout NOW! Thanks for the tip.

  38. Lol said *ass anyway.

  39. Many years ago I lost 110lbs and had tons of extra skin and stretch marks. But after 5 years of keeping the weight off I’ve actually lost nearly all the loose skin visually and the stretch marks are essentially faded. Although, my skin around my abdomen seems more stretchy than before and I can see the stretch marks when I pull on it.

  40. Dr. Mike: Don't get enormous.
    Me: builds time machine to go back in time and not get enormous

    I'm cured! 🤣

    JK, love your channel!

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