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“Best butt exercises for Men”
My gym changed owners. The Hip Thurst machine was in a tiny separate room facing a wall, very well placed. The new owners decided it had to go in the middle of the gym (which is basically just a great open hall).
The separate smaller room was for courses but the old owner quickly realized it was still too large for that so they kinda place the more "pro" or specialized equipment there. The new owner comes and decides it is a room for the courses again not realizing there's a reason why the old owner decided to make the change in the first place.
0:01 – 10:22 So yeah,i just need to do the normal exercises
Hip thrust is a pain the the @ss
Lucid. Thanks. p.s. ditch gray.
I love having ripped hips so I do a lot of hip abduction and adduction. Also helps me from getting injuries with quick movements and climbing
What shorts are those
Very useful. Thanks
Men have way better glutes than women. I have trained for years doing these very exercises and my glutes are still rubbish.
How do I grow my upper butt what’s the best workout for that?
Lov your glutes

Try cutting to the chase
I thought for one (awful) second that the first shot was your bare arse, and I was thinking Wow, that's a great arse, I thought I'd finally turned

Well explained
Mild sense of humour
I like it
Your 10:04 comment earned a very easy dislike, glad I watched till that part cause I was about to like and close
I was naturally born with a big glute and I’m insecure about out, it always sticks out no matter what I’m wearing. It sucks
Only gays work on glutes
I’ve read a lot of fitness books, but this one truly stands out! Muscles: Every Man’s Dream helped me finally understand how to build muscle the right way.
Hip abductiom is awesome for fighters. Kick goes to anothe level
What about wide stance sumo belt squat?
I feel the leg press hit my glutes more than hack squats
At 63 and retired, I genuinely cannot afford to use proper gyms.
So it's really appreciated when you include exercises that can be done with minimal equipment, other than barbells, dumbells and a bench.
Don't forget us poor people.
I appreciate your vids @Joedelaneyy , I always wanted a big butt and i cannot lie
Thanks for this video great combo of theory and practical exercises. Hope you don't mind me saying this, it helps when someone has nice evidence of what they're preaching.
That is a nice gym.
Johnson Robert Moore Edward Wilson Maria
That NSFW warning
why would men want a bigger butt?
I love the commercial I get is Donald trump stuff as I’m looking up how to build my butt muscles so other gays will pay attention to me. Very American
I agree with you about the Bulgarian squats, or any squats. Just put your feet where it feel most comfortable and where you can lift the most. You can then worry about foot position as you progress if you need bigger glutes or quads.
Martin Jose Rodriguez Nancy Brown David