The 10 best exercises for building bigger arms, biceps and triceps, according to Fit Media’s top trainers.
Trainers – Hani Anwar, Mike Thurston, Justin Gonzales, Remus Boroiu, Toby Richards, Ali Bilal, Nick Topel, Chris Elkins, Daniel Redondo, Emile Walker, Daniel Shoneye, Luis Sanchez, Alessandro Cavagnola, Steve Kriss and Justin St Paul.
#gym #workout #fitness #biceps #triceps
Fit media channel is simply the Best!!
They explain pro and cons,also how to hit every angle of the muscle and why!!
Also they show how to stay away from injuries!!
Is there an easy rule of thumb to pick the right weight? I am really in doubt in how much weight i should put on, and should i do all these exercises in one training? Hope somebody can give some guidance
Exercise is science.
Fit media channel is the best channel out there because it's so good give it various amount off exercise and

Good exercise and thank you for sharing.
For biceps chin ups are most effective
Love the explanation, love.Watching the videos makes it better to understand it.Good job.
Thanks for Best information
The people who was in depression only gym can heal those people, due to depression they eat a lot and always try to sleep more. Due to rest they increased body fat. They don't like to meet anyone, rarely they go outside from home (room). They try to cut from people.
Thanks for specifying the muscles hit by variations of arm exercises. I've just subscribed and I look forward to more tips.
Ay asi es como teneis que estar practicar mucho ejercicio fisico para quedaros como estáis que plus queréis
I’m suffering from a right arm injury, possibly tendinitis, possibly minor torn ligament. It’s been months now and I have pain with certain movements most notably machine concentration curls. The pain comes from the anterior elbow and is sharp. I can do standing bar bell curls somewhat but noticed reverse close grip pull downs don’t cause any pain. I’ve been using these and rope pull downs to hit the biceps and seem to be doing ok. Has anyone had the same type of injury and how long was recovery and diagnosis?
Digging it! And thank you!!!
Great Instruction

Miss for triceps back push up
Thank you
I have seen hundreds of videos, Honestly For real this is Best.
When executing the curl with Z-barbell, is there any difference between an open than a close grip? Do you target the short or long head? I will appreciate your comments. Blessings.
Reclined hammer cable curls with a rope is the best exersize for the brachialis period. Reverse curls don't even come close to the weight you can place on the brachialis compared to a reclined cable hammer rope curl. Not only that but you can control the hell out of the eccentric fighting the want for the arms to straighten back out, and really explode on the concentric. I've had many nights where my forearms seize up if my elbows are slightly bent after doing these for intensity post my work outs. Does it feel good? It's annoying, but the work that gets placed on them is unmatched.
I learn from this channel thank you