US Marine VS Ex-Convict in Max Deadlifts!

» US Marine VS Ex-Convict in Max Deadlifts!


  1. Алюминиевые блины и резиновый гриф.

  2. "São dois caras extremamente fortes*

  3. Os amadores do Brasil tá acima dos amadores de outros países

  4. Marines rule inside out. Thank you for your service!

  5. Instead do arm wrestle don't damage your spine for life.

  6. Next lets see the marines vs the janitor anatoly

  7. But the Marine is a Far better shot

  8. Didn't the marine get it on the second try?

  9. Fufi la gris me recuerda cuando me lo encajaste 😋 y la azul me recuerda cuando me vomitaste 🤢

  10. E você achou que seria o "herói"? Não seja um alienado.

  11. If Mateo had lifting straps, he would’ve got it. But it looks like he didn’t want to risk it. Which is understandable.

  12. Marine could. Just an issue with his grip. Maybe with lifting straps or some more chalk. He’d nail it. For sure!

  13. So what??? Are you saying that a dirt bag criminal is better than a volunteer warrior ?? That's absurd. Criminals are cowards.

  14. The ex convicts grip is the harder grip also wow he is super strong.

  15. Anatoly would like: "excuse me, mau i clean this area" 🗿

  16. They had trouble pulling up with their legs what I lifted with ease with my arms. It's not that hard with the right training.

  17. Pensé que iba a llegar Anatoly 😅

  18. Both dudes strong! Butbinmate ex con was stronger!!! 💪💪💪💪💪💪🫡🫡

  19. Anatoly: Guys can I clean under your fake weights?

  20. There you got it folks, ex cons at your marines betters 😂

  21. That Marine showed 100% High IQ and Low Ego by bailing on that set. I was worried for that Ex Con. It takes maybe 1-2 reps like that before one day it just goes SNAP.

  22. Anatoly: Why u using fake weights??

  23. Poderiam chamar o anatoly

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