Shout out cameronahouse on TikTok for the opening stitched video!
It never occurred to me until seeing painted toenails, that I’m passing that damn thing over my toes and my grip sometimes suddenly releases, whatever I’m holding.
Ehhh. I been doing this forever and don't feel a thing
What is best weight for kettlebell
So we are not drawing in anymore but expanding out to brace the core that should be more autonomic when moving a load, got it… i think
Would you do this every day or every second?
Damn dope OutKast cover!
How many reps should you do for marches?
What's the problem replacing kettlebell with dumbbell
can you also make a video for in home exercises without any weights?
Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Elevators! Me and You
I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to these small tips and CrossFit
Okay so it's exhaling out and holding it to brac your core? Why was I thinking you had to inhale and hold it to brace your core?? Thank you for clarification.
I can't really get my hands behind my back.
This is a terrible workout. The most taxing ab workouts for me are always leg raises from a pull up bar or decline sit ups with weights. Can someone explain why he advocates for ab workouts that involve zero range of motion? Is this purely for stability?
I’ve always heard about engaging your abs during workouts and someone like me who has horrible mind muscle connection on top of not consistently working out, u went straight to explaining how to do this, not just saying to do it
just eat less
Chicken legs though
What can i do to strengthen my core muscles? I have lower back pain if i lift heavy things
Can you do these 3 exercises as a circuit?
I like this exercise a lot. Rather high output for low input kinda feels like. I like to throw them in at the end of some workouts to push the intensity and work my core a little. As others have said it does give a decent shoulder workout too
kettlebell alternative tool?
Someone caught me cheating on my abs…. Okay ima add them at the end.
How weird is it that i done these for the first time ever this morning and now here is this video reassuring me its a good exercise. Also telling me how to do it properly haha is the universe tryna tell me something
Thirst trap after thirst trap
Where to start, if I want to get my belly fat away, before building those abs?
Where is “core”?
It may not be stable but it impresses the ladies
I get my 6-pack everyday from my favorite liquor store
Her not wearing shows whilst playing with the bell is causing me anxiety
I have limb deficits, so this probably won't help me.
I thought everyone knew about bracing but nooooo
Is that instrumental a altered version of elavtors by Outkast?
What you about slamming Cadillac doors I like you more and more, man. I'm using a 2.5 gallon of water to start until I get back to my gym home
That is 100% not how you do Around the worlds at all bro is literally just moving a weight around his body lol
It is more to do it on the knees.
Goodie mobb tune was refreshing
I remember doing this in Taekwondo. We had a kettlebelt class.
Nice tips
Shut up to whomever is picking the music
Damn it works, I did it standing with a 15kg kettlebell and I'm sweating buckets after doing it twice
You can just maintain abs with isometric core bracing everyday. Or get a nice workout after having chest congestion from coughing a few days.
We don't have ketelbell is ther any Substitute
I just have say SquatUniversitys playlist is goated.
perfect video
Who’s that black guy that I keep seeing in these videos?
Shout out cameronahouse on TikTok for the opening stitched video!
It never occurred to me until seeing painted toenails, that I’m passing that damn thing over my toes and my grip sometimes suddenly releases, whatever I’m holding.
Ehhh. I been doing this forever and don't feel a thing
What is best weight for kettlebell
So we are not drawing in anymore but expanding out to brace the core that should be more autonomic when moving a load, got it… i think
Would you do this every day or every second?
Damn dope OutKast cover!
How many reps should you do for marches?
What's the problem replacing kettlebell with dumbbell
can you also make a video for in home exercises without any weights?
Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Elevators! Me and You
I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to these small tips and CrossFit
Okay so it's exhaling out and holding it to brac your core? Why was I thinking you had to inhale and hold it to brace your core??
Thank you for clarification.
I can't really get my hands behind my back.
This is a terrible workout. The most taxing ab workouts for me are always leg raises from a pull up bar or decline sit ups with weights. Can someone explain why he advocates for ab workouts that involve zero range of motion? Is this purely for stability?
I’ve always heard about engaging your abs during workouts and someone like me who has horrible mind muscle connection on top of not consistently working out, u went straight to explaining how to do this, not just saying to do it
just eat less
Chicken legs though
What can i do to strengthen my core muscles? I have lower back pain if i lift heavy things
Can you do these 3 exercises as a circuit?
I like this exercise a lot. Rather high output for low input kinda feels like. I like to throw them in at the end of some workouts to push the intensity and work my core a little. As others have said it does give a decent shoulder workout too
kettlebell alternative tool?
Someone caught me cheating on my abs…
. Okay ima add them at the end.
How weird is it that i done these for the first time ever this morning and now here is this video reassuring me its a good exercise. Also telling me how to do it properly haha is the universe tryna tell me something
Thirst trap after thirst trap
Where to start, if I want to get my belly fat away, before building those abs?
Where is “core”?
It may not be stable but it impresses the ladies
I get my 6-pack everyday from my favorite liquor store
Her not wearing shows whilst playing with the bell is causing me anxiety
I have limb deficits, so this probably won't help me.
I thought everyone knew about bracing
but nooooo
Is that instrumental a altered version of elavtors by Outkast?
What you about slamming Cadillac doors
I like you more and more, man. I'm using a 2.5 gallon of water to start until I get back to my gym home

That is 100% not how you do Around the worlds at all bro is literally just moving a weight around his body lol
It is more to do it on the knees.
Goodie mobb tune was refreshing
I remember doing this in Taekwondo. We had a kettlebelt class.
Nice tips
Shut up to whomever is picking the music
Damn it works, I did it standing with a 15kg kettlebell and I'm sweating buckets after doing it twice
You can just maintain abs with isometric core bracing everyday. Or get a nice workout after having chest congestion from coughing a few days.
We don't have ketelbell is ther any Substitute
I just have say SquatUniversitys playlist is goated.
perfect video
Who’s that black guy that I keep seeing in these videos?