We Tested 17 Glute Exercises, These Are Best For Growth

» We Tested 17 Glute Exercises, These Are Best For Growth

Well-rounded glutes are not only the key to a nicer butt, but they also play an important role in strength, power, athleticism, and preventing injury. To build a nice butt, it’s important to choose the right glute exercises and do the best glute workouts. In this video we test 17 glute exercises (hip thrusts, back squats, cable kickbacks, bulgarian split squats, and more) to see which ones came out ontop. At the end, we combine everything into the best glute workout for women and the best glute workout for men to grow your booty faster and get you a bigger, stronger butt.

Download the Glutes Workout PDF Below:

Video To Help With Proper Glute Training Form:

Click below for a step by step plan training plan that reveals all the best exercises you should do for each and every muscle group:

Thanks to Coach Kassem for his help with the video:
His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach_kassem/?hl=en
His Training: https://n1.training/

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  1. This is all good but what size where these people and what gym level expertise did they have. As study should be done on beginners rather than elites. Not knocking experiments but i am curious if there is a difference in results based on age, starting weight, physical strength, etc. Are these middle aged people, young people, etc? And did you follow this with the beginning progress and another follow-up study to see if these results held up as they progressed in strength and abilities.

  2. Bulgarian split squats parasta!
    4:30 aloittelijalle
    4:38 sitten näitä

  3. Stop avoiding Bulgarian split squats, got it. I’m ready after 3 years of growing my glutes without Bulgies

  4. Subscribed! thank you!!

  5. The best upper side glute excercise: 6:54

  6. well as u guy who is losing weight and never really tried working out ,after first attempt of bulgarian squat i got such strong cramp in my leg i could no longer continue 😀 so good luck to all of you out there 😀

  7. That was funny right off the bat! The hip thruster is #1, but you are going to show some others that are better?! LOL! These videos are priceless! Other than that, thanks for the good info.

  8. What about glute kickback machine

  9. 3:41 THANK YOU!!! There is nothing more frustrating then when I've had gym bros tell me that the slight lean forward during these movements are wrong, and I'm like "you do you and focus on your quads and I'll do me and focus on my glutes."

  10. Every single video on YouTube on glute growth is the same. The person in the video has a really small butt, so for me I think those exercises don't work. Just my opinion no disrespect to anyone

  11. Why is glute kickback your upper glutes? Like its mostly training the maximus right? So why is it used for most upper glutes?

  12. Exercised where the glutes are stretched and slowing down the eccentric movement gave me a butt. From a former pancake butt lol

  13. so good so interesting thanks heaps

  14. For anyone with osteoarthritis in the upper back or cervical region the deadlifts & barbell squats can likely be detrimental to the upper spine. I had cervical surgery last year and stick with the band routines, kickbacks & lunges using TRX as a stabilizer. Also, since my surgery I’ve been paying attention to people’s spines (not willingly lol!) and notice a lot of muscled young guys (& some gals too) who have mild kyphotic spines, & like me may need to do some PT work in the neck region. Well-produced instructional video!

  15. When are you finishing the series, triceps, biceps, traps, hamstrings and quads

  16. it’s all about genetics

  17. taking stairs two at a time and pushing down with the heels is the only way I can really feel everything activated and balancing (to reach next step). i wish there were a way to really imitate this at home. other than running up and down my own stairs.

  18. Yes shave, alcohol wipe, and sand paper helps electrodes stay on better. Worked in EP lab.

  19. Someone airdrop this to my annoying gf

  20. Best video on YouTube concerning glute exercises. Amazing, love this

  21. Does this work for older people? I'm fairly active – hike and bike 5-6 days a week. But my ass is gone!! Probably due to hormonal changes. Would exercises fix something like that?

  22. Any exercises for people who can’t do these exercises because of knee injuries?

  23. gamma on this video is fcked up, cant see shiet on calibrated screen :dddd

  24. Can you make a video for people like me who can’t access the gym at the moment??

  25. You make it seem so easy, love it!

  26. tpi paha gw jd ikutan berotot😢

  27. Definitely would never be able to do any of these

  28. Thank you I tried this today and I feel it in my butt & legs already 🙏🏾

  29. What about ppl with a knee problem …?? I can not do squats, let alone with weights

  30. Hello, what size is your bench

  31. So I do RDLS the I get the weights do some hip thrusts and I do back of legs front of legs, some days I’ll switch it up with squats and then everyday i need my work outs with cables kicks for my glutes and abs 💥 ps: I’m very tall so I had to find ways to hit the glutes better. Just play around. You’ll get there took me over 2 yrs to build a big 🍑 and I had nothing I was like an iron board 😂😂😂😂

  32. Im getting ready to defend my booty from big d randy

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