What Every Over 50 Woman Needs To Know About Weight Training

» What Every Over 50 Woman Needs To Know About Weight Training

What Every Over 50 Woman Needs To Know About Weight Training is there are three specific types of resistance training activities to include in her weekly format. For bone density, muscle maintenance, balance, agility, reaction skills and a body that can work, play and live there are different levels of weight, and definitions of what makes them safe.



  1. I'm 52 and have been doing weights now for 2 months and adding more weight as I want to do a good workout and build muscle and feel good. As I've been overweight/obese for years and really have made a change even if I don't feel like it I do it

  2. You need a new board marker 😮 please. That one is dried out.

  3. How do we get some of our drive back during menopause..I used to lift weights and always felt good but since menopause…I have no drive and very little stamina..seem to give out after 10-15 min of yard work but this may be due to high blood pressure.. Just want to feel better so I can do better

  4. Check out Starting Strength. The program works for 18 year old boys and 85 year old women. Getting stronger means challenging yourself with heavy weights period.

  5. Ok great i am 54 in December I will be 55 so my question is i have not work out with weights yet butt I have 5 pounds dum bells and 8 pounds kettle bells and I went got 10 pounds dum bells to but that all I got so what do I do them in weights then just getting started and how many times a week or how many times when I doing them please let me know back thank you ❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤

  6. Thank you for this video

  7. I'm kind of frustrated about finding what exactly everyone means by "lifting heavy" means. I'm a beginner. I bought weights that are 20lbs, but I don't know that these are "heavy" enough. I am short (under 5'4").

  8. Awesome delivery. Nice video.

  9. Can you lift weights if you have cervical spondolosis. Ty

  10. This was so helpful! I’m 48 and just starting out. I had no idea where to start

  11. Can you show some examples of exercise with power?
    Thank you.

  12. Thank you for the info my bones are really bad after chemo and steroids this helps me so much to build my bones back thank u

  13. Consistency is definitely the key… I work out 2-3 months a year regularly and then always stop for some reason ?

  14. I worked out for years thinking I was a hard gainer, but the reallity is I just had a bad. I then tried the Agoge Diet, and started seeing much faster and better results.

  15. Someone told me about site called "Agoge Diet". Let me tell you something: This sh*t is really next level!!! Fat cells are leaving my body like never before. Goodbye belly fat. Welcome six pack.

  16. I absolutely love all the information that you give us. There’s a lot of exercise videos out there and I love your exercise videos as well but I love that you give us so much information. Thank you

  17. I’m 56, recovering from mold toxicity. I used to lift weights (8 years ago) and am so excited that my body is finally ready to get back into this. Your videos are always informative and inspiring. ❤️❤️

  18. So "Heavy" is misleading because some people think heavy is doing 3 reps with a weighht. Also weights used in fitness classes during barre etc are doing than the weights for strength training. Correcvt?

  19. I GOT 2KG OF LEAN MUSCLE MASS IN ONE MONTH!!! I simply visited website called Agoge Diet and they provided me with diet plan, training plan along with amazing fitness and nutrition tips. Believe me, it's just amazing!!! #*Agoge Diet*

  20. So clear and informative. Thank you!

  21. Very informative video, I agree with you on all these! Iam 54 and I try my best to stay active ! And it shows on Dr physicals definitely we need to start moving more as we get older! Thank you!

  22. Man my stomach pouches out now. I look like I’m pregnant and I eat right and workout. But still, pouchy stomach!

  23. why are we just talk about bone density?????

  24. So glad I just found this!!

  25. I'm 54 yrs. old and have been lifting for two years now. Lately, I've been suffering bouts of tendinitis in my shoulder, elbows AND knees. I don't know what to do to keep that at bay. I don't want to stop lifting and lose progress, but this HURTS. Any advice?

  26. Meat and potatoes only!!

  27. Cannot find any heavy dumbells to buy in this pandemic! No 15lb or 20 lbs weights to be had! 😩

  28. I've been lifting heavy for a year now. Recently, I've been battling with bouts of tennis elbow. Should I be backing off?

  29. Yes ladies! Put down those light weights!!! Lift heavy!!!!

  30. What do you mean by Power exercise ? Is that the same as HIIT ?

  31. Love your message. Thank you 🙏

  32. Thanks dear …i am in 50s ,now I will start lifting …Good wishes

  33. Slow reps (fife seconds up, five seconds down) will help to save your joints in the beginnig.

  34. A body in motion stays in motion. If you sit around complaining about how your joints hurt does nothing. You have to work those joints and muscles to keep them strong.

  35. I appreciate the information you are so kindly sharing with us and I specially like the calm and clear way you communicate with us. I have visited other channels and the presenters spoke so fast that I could not assimilate anything that they were trying to say, so I lost interest. By the way, you are so good looking…❤️💋🙏

  36. My sister said I look to bulked up. I don't take supplements so I don't know how to do heavy weights with our bulking.

  37. I like heavy weight training light weights are boring

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