In this video, I’ll tell you what will happen to your body if you do deadlift every day, what muscles work during deadlift, what are the benefits of deadlift for men and women and how to do deadlift properly.
00:00 Deadlift every day
00:18 What muscles do deadlift work
00:37 Activate hip extensors
00:58 Relieve lower back pain
01:28 Improve jump ability
01:40 Increase bone mineral density
02:26 Activate core muscles
02:43 Speed up metabolism
03:17 How to do deadlift with proper form
03:50 Deadlift contraindication
Lustful ahh video.
Deadlifting 1 set everyday with very low weight is a great warmup
It gives you a big arse?
Deadlifts and squats can REALLY boost you metabolism. But I don't think you should DL every day or even 3X a week , unless you are doing only very light lifts. The big spinal erectors and glutes etc need a few day to recover. Unless you are a young , genetically gifted Arnold type or on steroids, one heavy and one lighter DL day per week is enough. One real hard DL day a week is enough for me, but I am an oldish fellow.
Why I am watching this am Man
If you deadlift every day it should not be heavy. And when you get tired and form breaks down not a good idea to grab a couple more reps.
Never answered the question: What happens to your body when you deadlift everyday?
the thumbnail is crazy

What a lame chick flic of absolute garbage technic(s). Pure click er chick bait.
If you gave 100 kgs of weight and a barbell to inmates, do you think they would only workout the DL 2 or 3 times a week or would they do the deadlift 7 days a week for three hour sessions per day?
Inmates don't have any of the equipment we do, and their physiques can rival bodybuilders. With the equipment we have, they could do so much more.
Compared to an inmate, citizens in society are weak and pathetic, this includes many bodybuilders.
Too funny!
Lots of stiff leg deadlifts. Where are the deadlifts.
I feel like this video was just made to make people thirsty..
This was one of the most beautiful videos I’ve seen on YouTube… ♥️
I do deadlifts 2x a week and with light weights (60 to 70lbs) and it's very useful for my back pain.
Oh man, she got lovely peachy azz.
Bad techniques and still no explanation about deadlifting "every day". Because that's what the title promised: "every day" as opposed to – say – 6 to 10 sets in total divided over 2 days of the week. This channel was more interested in stock pretty-girl footage and padding time. It also looks like it's AI assisted stock content.
For me, clearly this channel is not it.
When I saw the clip of the woman squatting in the smith machine I left.
Nice clip man
Wow I was going to say the same thing 90% of the people on here doing deadlifts we’re doing it totally wrong smh
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what kept you going.
Made my booty look big af I’m mad I didn’t want a woman shape
If you put actual weights on the bar, once a week is enough. If you can do it every day, youre not going heavy enough.
Why is this vid so sexy?
The women are not doing deadlifts, that's a hip hing for big butts.
Is this Chat GPT?
I’m a beginner to training,,when I’ve been standing for long periods of time or do loads of bending,,my lower back goes very sore and stiff and feels like it goes hard,,I have to sit and rest it for 10 minutes like it releases pressure on it,,I need a exercise to help and fix it,,I never train my back so probably got a weak back,,what’s best to do guys
Hmmm i see more men of culture here
No trainer ever recomended DL every day.
Yall gotta realize there's a lot of grown me still working physical jobs that essentially involves them deadlifting everyday multiple times a day something really heavy.
These models all have POOR FORM. Please do not copy them. Also, performing the D/L daily is a bad idea. Twice per week, MAYBE, depending. Please hire a qualified coach before you learn D/L moves from YouTube. There are many parts to a D/L to cue, and most people cannot manage all of it at the same time initially without breaking form. A qualified coach can watch the client and correct them so they don't injure themselves while learning proper technique. Please and thank you-Coach C
What are we selling here? :0)
Umm, deadlift? Why are there so many shots of RDLs and SLDLs? If you're talking about deadlifts, how about getting some shots of people deadlifting!
स्टीफ डेड लिफ्ट के वजह से मेरा लोअर बैक पेन ठीक होने लगा।
Nope, the head shouldn't be in that position
Love your models
So what happens to your body when you do deadlift every day?
What a crap video. No way should you deadlift daily and that title concept was not even addressed. Not much useful info or examples of good form and several bad examples.
The only upside to this video was the fact that it's mostly attractive females doing the lifts. Maybe re-title it 'Attractive Young Females Build Tight Booties with Deadlifts'. Then I'd have no problem with it other than the robot voice. But as is this video is just useless and exploitative trash content that should never be encouraged by clicking on it.
Sorry but I could watch these girls deadlift every day
What's with them looking up. My neck hurts watching this
You need to let your body recover.
Does this only apply to scantily clad woman?
I start putting them on my Gym routine…. Damn Dead Lift is Hardcore workout
Trust Me
Y todavía hay protanes que dicen que le temen a la Otan cuando ya casi no tienen armamento
And say bye bye to your waist and back…
I can’t deadlift because everyday, how? I have to recover
Gym thots