Which diet plan is best at reversing a prediabetic diagnosis?

» Which diet plan is best at reversing a prediabetic diagnosis?

ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton answers viewers’ health questions.

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  1. Confusing bad doctor
    Plant based not good advice

  2. The Mediterranean diet is good for chronic conditions type two diabetes and mental health
    I did it for three years and am currently going back on it
    As I feel the difference of not maintaining
    Lost 7 and a half stone in weight and the fibromyalgia I had is gone
    Some of the flair ups have come along due to coming off it for a while
    It is imperative to maintain it and not to go back to bad habits
    This works and it can also prevent cancer too…
    This Mediterranean diet is the best lifestyle change you will ever make

  3. Another worthless video.

  4. Plant base is good but not enough protein b12 that you can't get from plants…very good! Over eat on nuts beans etc

  5. Almost died 3 times at the recommendation to go “plant based.” If I listened to this so called “Doctor” I’d surely be dead as well. She knows Zero about nutrition and human biology. Keto/Carnivore has helped me turn around a multitude of autoimmune problems, and probably the same for hundreds of thousands of people.

  6. Great eye brow brush and powder

  7. What kind of modified keto? Why not explain what this looks like?

  8. Labelling people as Pre-Diabetics is not ethical in any stance
    Unless you have diabetic symptoms then it is a wrong or error of medical judgement .
    I have been diagnosed with kt because of the over diagnotics of a medical system which would be better of funding other health issues such as The NHS.

  9. I call Bull with a vegan diet

  10. Doing the Mediterranean diet

  11. Whole food, less sugar…

    These people are still selling stuff

  12. Barley porridge with chop peeled zucchini and apple.
    Hulled barley not pearled barley. Big difference.

    Lentil soup in Instant Pot:
    4 C water
    1 C red or green lentil
    1 onion
    1 jicama
    Instant pot X10min
    Then add 4 C chopped raw peeled zucchini
    1 tsp quality salt
    Dash stevia or maple
    Other seasons you like
    Immersion blender for favorite consistency
    I mix in cooked spaghetti squash (also i put in my barley porridge)

    I dont eat any added fats and eat as much to satiety. Exercise first thing on empty stomach in morning. Try to walk or other movement after any meal as it balances blood sugar VERY well.

    I did strict ketosis x6yrs. It trained my body to not handle carbs! I had to retrain it for over a year.
    Long ketosis messed me up. God healed me.
    Lots of prayers and gratitude.

  13. I love the Metabolic mind❤

  14. Clean Keto (lots of small fatty fish) + intermittent fasting is the best diet. And exercise — just walking is enough to significantly lower blood sugar levels.

  15. Nutrisystem reversed mine.

  16. I had been told from the doctors im prediabetic 🤦🏽‍♀️ and currently 160kg 🥴 i need help 🤦🏽‍♀️

  17. Ok now for someone who's in that situation, couldn't this in theory be reversed from merely slight changes in what they eat and how much, combined with lots more exercise and resultingly a weight reduction? I mean to postulate here that it needn't be a specific type of diet, or vegetarianism, or a fad diet like Keto is. Of course, if the assumption is that they've been eating terribly to that point, naturally they'd want a whole new diet for themselves. But again, not necessarily any of those three. For instance I think some of us eat fairly well all the time, yet aren't basing it exactly on anything fashionable for a popular diet, yet in fact there are great similarities to some of them based only on taste and cooking style and general nutrition knowledge. What I've noticed for myself is that I've always eating fairly healthfully comparatively to how others eat, yet at times or years I've simply put on weight from the amounts, too often pizza, and not enough intense exercise. Made tiny adjustments with the food, temporarily some starch reductions, ramped up the exercise substantially, and resultingly gained a lot of fitness and back to the leanest times in my life where I was fit from a lot of PT. It took around nine months from 185 (I've been up to 195 before) to 160 lbs. when I then stopped all restricting. Then with no plan for it at all, after another five months with the same routine for workouts (Mostly cycling and running.) I'm at a trimmer 150 pounds again. The point being it's not necessarily a radical new diet that one needs at all, perhaps more just a change of will and mindset.

  18. What if you are thin, and have type 2 prediabeties, you see, I heard that there is also fat build up on organs that can occur as well. So what if your a thinny, and are prediatetic, and as f right now, I am not obese, I can still see my toes and such. By looking straight down. Yet I am t a 5.8. I also m prone to diebetes due to genetic factors. How does one reverse genetics?

  19. Why these journalists are yelling to mic?!

  20. It would help if doctors would give you nutritional advice with the diagnosis.

  21. She just quotes studies, not an expert or scientist, just an MD

  22. Fasting and exercise is cool as well

  23. Vague to erroneous answer!

  24. but I m not taking any medicine or 15days ago my Hbac1 was 4.8 still under weight ,but now my weight is 47 kg

  25. Im already skinny if i lose more weight my family gone think im sick.

  26. I never had high cholesterol till I did keto

  27. Intermittent fasting has worked for me and nothing else has. Cutting way back on carbs is key too.

  28. what is keto? what is modified-keto? If eliminating carbs and grains is what works, how can Mediterranean or vegetarian work to decrease BG??

  29. Good! A balanced look at all diets.

  30. I need support just told by my doctor I am pre-diabetic, I need know what to eat not to eat

  31. I was pre diabetic i went fulky raw for 30 days and it went away .
    Also 10 day water day fast

  32. Thank you for this session .. it will help out a lot of Pre-diabetic persons to prevent themselves from Diabetes …… and for better prevention people can take Planet Ayurveda's Diabeta-plus capsules

  33. This Dr. igudia stuff is spam. To reverse diabetes, you have to reverse the insulin resistance that lead to it. Insulin resistance is caused by eating too many carbs too often, so to reverse it, eat fewer carbs less often. Start with eliminating sugar, processed food, grains, and seed oils.

  34. I went carnivore/omad and lost 45lbs, my back acne cleared up, and put my pre-diabetes in remission!

  35. What is the modified keto diet? Help I need this!

  36. I had full blown type 2 diabetes and wanted to reverse it so bad and I did… I am a firm supporter and advocate for keto.

  37. wow i learned nothing!!

  38. Tf are these obvious spam comments? Makes me not trust this doctor one bit 😐

  39. So many fake comments in this thread…….paid comments…….quit that….nobody wants to see that. It detracts from your brand. Ugh !

  40. Reduce sugar grains and starch intake

  41. What to eat and what not to eat for someone with pre diabetes?

  42. Words aren’t enough for me to show how I grateful I am for helping me to get rid of my Type 2 diabetes’s Dr Igudia

  43. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you so much for curing my type 2 diabetes with your herbs Dr Igudia.

  44. Modified KETO, « Like you and your mom are doing » means absolutely nothing for the viewers. We don’t want to hear about your mom. We don’t know what she eating to prevent prediabetes. What is modified KETO? The video is extremely lacking in useful information.

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