Will Mitchell Hooper DEADLIFT 505KG before Thor? I share my thoughts
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I dont think he'll seriously try. He said repeatedly that he doesnt care about being the strongest, that strongman isnt his true passion and he'll happily go for 2nd or 3rd place every event if it wins him competitions. He just doesnt chase records like other strongmen (which is part of why he gets a lot of hate).
Great videos brotha!! You should do a video on Shane Hunt!!!
That black dude pulling 500kg zumo wasn’t even super wide and the weight got off the ground pretty damn high. It wasn’t like when you normally see sumo deadlifting to me
And he says he natty of course lol
This would be like Eddie hall rolling up and pulling 525 when everyone is talking about 50 lol
I think he’s just much more athletic than most of these big ass strongman.
He almost did it right there. If he had tried 500kg even he might've had it.
Thor has proven that he can only do 500+ when his dad weighs his plates, Mitch for the win
look like an absolute mug with those face tattoos
Would they allow Thor to go above 505 kg by a small margin? Seems like they'd make it at least 510, 515. Those extra 5, 10 kg might be too much at that point. Edit: Yeah, I think Hooper has 505 once he trains for it. Thor too.
No, he will not
The giants live show was WWE. They had three guys all of very different strength lift the bar up to the same spot and fail. Alleged 505 but – then the other guys wouldn't have been able to also get it to their knees
They were acting.. it's also why Thor wasn't there – he wouldn't have went along with such a lie.
Strongman is in the shitter. First the WSM rigging heats and events, now this show.
No respect for any one who participates in those
SMOE is honest but the machines/set up Brian has keeps failing. Arnold's is the last hope to me… And Rogue invitationals(to see records).
I don't know if Mitchell will pull 505 but probably not.
There was a guy who pulled 505 at a meet already 2 years ago … but it's sumo. It needs to be it's own category (,like Clean+Jerk vs Snatch).
Strength sports are in a weird place…
Bro stop D-riding Thor. His recent placing has showed that he's going downhill. He looked fat, bloated and out of shape at the Arnold. He's only won 1 wsm and 3 Arnold's in his peak imo. Which was 2018 to 2020. He's not really that great of a strongman. And he's definitely not what he once was. Mitchell has hit all those stats recently and is still improving. He will far surpass Thor. And do it at 100lb less bodyweight.
Besides Thor, I don't think anyone is doing it. Not for a decade. I'm not even sure Thor will do it again.
Graham Hicks. I genuinely believe Hicksy can pull it given the right chance and he has no fuck ups in diet and health etc.
Mitch is a freak of nature and a truly good person. I have a ton of respect for him but I just can't listen to him speak, there's something about his voice and my tinnitus that doesn't mix well.
I popped a rib on the leg press, since you're always hurt from Ego lifting, how about a video on working around injuries & tips on speeding recovery?
Cult strength make a video breaking down the technique of on my glorious King Russell orhii squats
I love hitting PRs
He didnt even train for 505 and gis attempt was way better than than anyone else that tried that day
It's crazy how hooper is a little bit bigger than me and is still a WSM. It's insane how he can compete with those 180-200 kg monsters.
9:30 physically he may not have been super crazy but he definitely caught my attention by beating Brian Shaw in the heats
i think he can do it but have to bulk like thor and eddie did. All the records are held by athletes at their biggest (thor, eddie, Z) correct me if wrong
Great content. What numbers would the strongman like L.Cyr could achieve with today’s technology and supplements?
And what about Jamal Browner?
I doubt he will tbh he’s strong and doing a lot in the strongman World I just don’t think he’s got it in him i don’t think Eddie halls record won’t get beat for atleast another 5yrs just my opinion
Mitchell Hooper is like Oleksandr Usyk. He can take down much bigger guys, and that's what makes him the best
I agree mich will get the 505kg. I'd put money on that it will be before thor.
I have his deadlift peak program. There is not only deadlift but also overhead,bench.. shoulder work, have you seen him deadlift 475?
These guys are going to push each other which is fucking awesome. I think each one of them will eventually get to 505. Thor is ahead of him right now, but Hooper is a damn machine and has his mind set on it, so I think he will catch him. If Hooper just focuses on the deadlift for a bit, he can beat Thor there.
Honestly, I hope not. I'm just a salty hater he split jerked the axle world record. It would be cool to see him take the DL record though, given the other 500kg+ pullers have all been 440lbs. Gives some hope for us lighter guys. I believe Graham Hicks is another very strong contender for the 505kg, his 425 was nearly as fast and effortless as Eddie's 420kg warmup the day he hit 500. I believe he had a mishap with his suit fitting that day as well. He may have missed the 505, but I do think he's VERY capable of doing it. If he commits to it, he will get it done no doubt. But you know as well as all the other big dudes, that shit takes a serious toll on your body and mind. It's not easy for me, and I haven't even broken 300lbs yet, so I can't imagine being 330+ at 5'10. Even if it is mostly muscle, that's just a lot of fucking weight to be carrying around all day every day, and the ungodly amount of food to maintain that size for months on end…
i seriously dont get how a strenght athlete can be so dominant at such a low weight
It’d be interesting to see you make a video on Jamal browner and his 500 kg deadlift. Although he was pulling sumo he’s also a lot lighter than these guys. Love the vids tho keep up the good work!
He is so freakishly consistent in his strength, and just all around good. Hard to see him ever lose at this point.
he hits 505 for sure
I believe Mitch can get the 505kg it’s just what he will have to take to get there and the heath risks associated with it.
Mitchell will get it done
I believe Hooper will get 505kg as long as there are no major injury upsets. He has many years ahead of him and he will train specifically/smart for DL. I think that Thor has been in the game a lot longer and is stronger but may struggle due to wear and tear etc. I hope I am wrong as technically he is still young at 36 and his lifting in the gym on his youtube channel show great DL progress. I wish the guys best of luck and can't wait to see it! It is crazy how far DL has progressed in recent times! Just 10 years ago was around 460kg mark!!!