Targeting Belly Fat Is POSSIBLE?! (New Study)

Everyone wants to lose belly fat, right? The problem is, you can’t choose where fat loss happens in your body every time you work out. Or at least, I didn’t think you could… Until I came across this new study, which suggests that targeting belly fat may not only beContinue Reading

How to lose belly fat

————– The Workbook: ——————— Thanks for checking out the Dr. Boz Channel. See links below resources & recommendations. Tune in Tuesday nights, 4PM Eastern/3PM Central to watch me Live! We improve health – One ketone at a time. ——————— FREE STUFF 50 Keto Fat-Facts: Dr. Boz RatioContinue Reading

Doctor Fact-Checks POPULAR Weight Loss Tips

There sure are a LOT of weight management tips across the internet, and after my research it appears finding the facts from trustworthy sources is harder than it seems. Heck, I’m a doctor and had trouble verifying a lot of this stuff, so how is someone without a medical degreeContinue Reading

3 Science-Based Tips to Lose Belly Fat

These are the 3 BEST Science-Based tips to lose belly fat & flatten your stomach fast. If you’re a man looking to get rid of your gut and you’d like to learn about what foods to eat or what workouts to do, you won’t want to miss this video. LearnContinue Reading

How to Lose Fat with Science-Based Tools

This episode I describe the science of fat loss, including how fat is mobilized and oxidized (burned) and how to increase fat burning by leveraging the nervous system. Most people don’t realize it, but our neurons connect to our fat and release epinephrine/adrenaline to facilitate fat oxidation. I explain howContinue Reading

How to Burn Belly Fat

FInd out how to live a healthier life with Sharecare! Visit For more health and well-being content, make sure to subscribe to Sharecare’s YouTube channel. – Follow Dr. Oz on Instagram 👉 @droz: Dr. Oz explains why belly fat is the easiest type of fat to loseContinue Reading

3 Scientific Tips to Effectively Lose Belly Fat

Do you want to finally get rid of belly fat and achieve a leaner, more defined stomach? In this video, I’ll reveal 3 science-backed and proven tips that can transform your routine and help you reach this goal in a healthy and sustainable way. No empty promises or miracle solutions—hereContinue Reading