How to Lose Fat AND Gain Muscle At The Same Time (Step By Step)

Lose fat, gain muscle. Known as “body recomposition”, many people believe this is impossible or reserved for a small percentage of people. But that’s not entirely true. Most people can definitely build muscle and lose fat at the same time. With the right nutrition and training plan, you can actuallyContinue Reading

How to Build Muscle Faster WITHOUT Weights

How to Build Muscle Faster WITHOUT Weights If you’re looking to build muscle, but limited on the tools you have, here are some key ways to gain muscle using only your own bodyweight! And because the best results happen when your diet and your workouts work together, check out thisContinue Reading

Muscle Hypertrophy Explained (What Makes Muscle Grow)

To gain muscle through weight lifting, you must have both metabolic fatigue and mechanical damage. When you lift heavy, the contractile proteins in your muscles must generate enough force to overcome the weight’s resistance. This in turn can cause structural damage to the muscle. Mechanical damage to muscle proteins activatesContinue Reading

10 Years of Muscle Building Advice in 23 Minutes

Want to learn how to build muscle most effectively? Good news: I’m bringing you exclusive insights from 7 of the world’s smartest hypertrophy scientists. Using their research on muscle growth, I’ll create a step-by-step blueprint that will serve as your ultimate muscle-building hack. Without further ado, here’s the best wayContinue Reading

Exercise Scientist Reveals Top 10 Exercises To Look Jacked

Chris and Dr Mike Israetel discuss Mikes favorite 10 exercises to build muscle. What is Dr Mike Israetel’s favorite compound lift? What bicep exercise does Dr Mike Israetel reccomend? What is Dr Mike Israetel’s favorite glute exercise? Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first boxContinue Reading