The United States of Elon Musk Inc.

Where do Elon Musk’s business interests end and Donald Trump’s political interests begin? Trick question—they’re one and the same. How else do you explain the jarring sight of the President of the United States hawking Teslas on the White House South Lawn? Trump has always been a salesman, lending hisContinue Reading

SpaceX’s Latest Starship Explosion Marks Two Consecutive Failures

SpaceX has contracts with NASA worth approximately $4 billion to design and develop a human-rated Moon lander based on the Starship design. The Starship lander is a central piece of NASA’s architecture for the Artemis program, which aims to return astronauts to the lunar surface later this decade. For StarshipContinue Reading

Elon Musk’s Starlink Is Keeping Modern Slavery Compounds Online

Within the compounds, which often have close links to Chinese organized crime groups and online gambling syndicates, victims are typically forced to work day and night to scam hundreds of people at a time. This includes carrying out long-running investment scams that have netted criminals up to $75 billion overContinue Reading