How to Lose Fat AND Gain Muscle At The Same Time (Step By Step)

» How to Lose Fat AND Gain Muscle At The Same Time (Step By Step)

Lose fat, gain muscle. Known as “body recomposition”, many people believe this is impossible or reserved for a small percentage of people. But that’s not entirely true. Most people can definitely build muscle and lose fat at the same time. With the right nutrition and training plan, you can actually signal your body to use its existing fat stores as energy towards building muscle, and as a result, achieve body recomp. So, how do we do it? Well, there are 3 steps to a successful recomp, starting with nutrition.

Click below for a step-by-step plan to build muscle and lose fat:

Although you’ll want to be in a calorie deficit to stimulate fat loss, the calorie deficit you use shouldn’t be as aggressive as it would be during a typical dieting phase. As for what that sweet spot is, a 2021 meta-analysis suggests a deficit of between 300 to 500 calories. That said, the data is from subjects following standard fitness programs employed in research studies, which usually aren’t the most ideal programs for muscle building. So with the optimized training plan I’ll show you later, it’s very possible you’ll be able to build muscle even in a 500-calorie deficit and beyond. However, based on this data, if you want to maximize your odds of being able to recomp, it’s likely that a slight deficit of around 200-300 calories is best.

Click below to use the body recomp calorie calculator:

Next, protein: eat too little protein, and your body will start to look for it elsewhere, such as your existing muscle mass. As for how much to eat to counteract this for successful body recomposition, I think it’s pretty safe to say that you will be pretty close to maximizing growth potential at about 0.8 g/lb BW. And if you really want to be on the safe side, bump it up to 1 g/lb BW. 

So the next step is to pair your nutrition plan with a training plan designed to force your muscles to grow. Research suggests that both lighter weights and heavier weights can work. But this does heavily depend on one factor: effort. You need to take each of your sets at least within 3 reps short of failure. And this brings me to an important point I want to make. There really isn’t a “special” body recomp training plan. It’s about doing the basics and doing them well. And to make sure you don’t sabotage all the work you put into your nutrition and training, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. 

Alright now that we’ve covered how to lose fat and gain muscle, let’s discuss the most important part: who body recomposition is best suited for and whether or not it’s actually worth your time pursuing. So there are 3 main groups of people best suited for body recomp: beginners, those who’re de-trained, and those who’ve been just “going through the motions”. But even if you do fall into one of those groups, note that you cannot be too lean. I’d say around 15% body fat for males and at least 22% for females is a good minimum.

But is trying to build muscle and lose fat at the same time worth your time? First off, if you’re someone who’s pretty lean or has been training both hard and consistently for at least 6 months, then you’re probably going to have a harder time trying to recomp. Secondly, even if you are likely to recomp, you should also consider what your main goal is right now. I know you want both, but what’s truly more important to you right now — building muscle or losing fat? For example, while you might end up building a little muscle during a recomp, most research suggests that a surplus or “lean bulk” is likely superior. And if your main goal is to lose fat, then a slightly more aggressive deficit would definitely lead to more fat loss with the possibility that you’ll still be able to gain a bit of muscle. 

And perhaps just as important, we as humans like to see things go in the right direction. During a recomp, results can be slow, and your body weight doesn’t really help indicate whether things are going in the right direction. So you’ll have to rely on other metrics like small differences in progress photos, strength in the gym, how your clothes are fitting, and tracking your waist circumference over time. Without proper guidance, this can be a lot more difficult to navigate than a traditional bulk or cut where the scale and quicker body changes can lead the way. That said, I do think for some people it’s worth a shot. Just always remember that proper nutrition and hard, consistent training is what matters the most. Optimize that, and it’s very likely you’ll be able to recomp to some extent regardless of the exact approach you use.

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  1. What's been your experience with body recomp? Comment below! Also see below for links to all the studies used in the video:











  2. What about sugar in body recomposition we can take it or not

  3. One of the very few videos that really gives what we are looking for

  4. I would do this but everywhere you try to find a workout plan it cost money😫

  5. When I work out i don’t think about reps. Usually all I do is work till failure. Ps: my shoulders arms and legs still hurt

  6. Take a free quiz… pay to see results… Great.

  7. Thanks this is very helpful

  8. I’m someone with fast metabolism pretty slim And I’m looking for a way to start growing my body cause I want a sleeper build as my dream physique yk? How can I go about it

  9. I just need someone who tell me what to eat 😂

  10. I'm kinda fat like not bad not good I'm trying to get better

  11. So what's your thoughts on net calories vs not replacing the calories you burn? Like if your 180Lbs, and 2000 calories to maintain, pick 1500 calories, do you recommend eat the 1500, burn the calories off say 500-700 netting lets say 1000 per day or do you replace those calories by eating them back to maintain that 1500 calories a day?

  12. im doing everything right except the sleep part…😭😭😭

  13. 23years with a 30%fat😢

  14. Dam, worked so well he even shortened his hair in the process!

  15. In the end, I think you meant to write, at "Best suited for:", and say that females above 15%, males above 22%)
    Since, in the video, you said females had easier time burning fat while building muscle.

  16. To build muscle you need lots of protein, but lots of protein = lots calories, and lots of calories = weight gain. And to build muscle, you need extensive weight/resistance training. While it's possible to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, it's VERY DIFFICULT!

  17. I'm 60yrs , weigh about 175lbs, 5'11" and my body fat percentage is 19-20%. Started back at the gym a month ago . Saturday its chest and triceps ,Sunday back and biceps, Tuesday shoulders and Thursday legs. After each workout I do 20 minutes low intensity cardio and 10 minute about workout. Is this a good way to lose body fat and still gain muscle??

  18. To build muscle and lose fat, it is recommended to consume protein from 1,7-2 grams/bodyweight (kg).

    Does the bodyweight here means the targeted bodyweight? Or the current?

  19. My muscles don't heal fast enough to work them twice a week.

  20. nice

  21. So does walking burn more fat than running or cycling hard to believe that ?

  22. Isn't body decomposition I thought body recomposition is losing weight but keeping the same weight ? You are not gaining or losing anything but you see yourself more lean

  23. Currently 90KG around 26% Body fat. Will update in 6 months

  24. I know for a fact this is true by by own experience, even at age of (youthful) 57. You can slam a bunch of muscle on AND lose bodyfat at the same time. I lost 4 inches off of my waist AND put on about 15kg of muscle all the while losing about 15kg of fat inside of four months. The important thing is obviously your diet BUT also the intensity of your training, as this video makes clear. Always go to failure on the last set, that is where the gold is made. Too many people – 90% plus – simply do not train hard enough. If you put the weight down on your last set and in your heart honestly know that you could have done another rep then you are not training intensely enough.

  25. bodybuilder nice video

  26. THANK YOU!! I did this at my small bathroom without getting caught, I got a little shredded for 3 days but I'm slowly seeing progress. Without this I wouldn't be buff, THANK YOU😭😭🙏

  27. Can you lose fat and gain muscle while on a ketosis if i workout?

  28. thank you

  29. Im doing this, i call it gaincutting

  30. Watched this while eating check mix in bed. Done with it. Still eating

  31. I need to master my current weight

  32. I'm boutta have to eat 350 grams of protein to lose weight and gain muscle I'm cooked

  33. I gained 2.5 pounds of muscle and lost 4 pounds of fat the last two months

  34. So i am 50 an weight 250 and 6 ft I need 300 calories, and 250 grams protein a day?

  35. I’m 12 and 150lbs which is super horrible but I’m not too fat either my stomach doesn’t pop out as much as it would and I play sports so I think I could do this I need to for at least a year before I reach eight grade for football

  36. I’m trying to lose weight but gain a small amount of muscle because I want to start boxing next summer

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